Chapter 37

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Theo's POV 

" He pisses me off! I can't beilive he would do that to me after all i had done for him!" I screamed

" Theo" I ignored Bellas soft pleases and continued my loud rant. We had reach my office and i let out all of my anger against Chase that i have kept bottled up for so long. 

" THEODORE!" Bella screamed her eyes dancing with fire. " We have way more important things to decuss than your cousin." 

" And what the hell would that be?" 

" That fucking attacks Theo! What happened this morning?" 

I exhale. I love when my mate gets feisty but this is something i really don't want her to get involved with. 

" Bella sweetie i don't think...." 

" Theo you tell me or you will be sleeping in the guest room for a week... and no sex." 

I stiffen. She wouldn't. 

" I would." How can she read my thoughts?

" I'm good at reading people Theo."  How... oh forget it shes Bella. 

After i found Bella up north my life with her has been amazing. I feel whole again. But i want to protect her from this she has already been hurt because of one of these attacks i can't have her hurt again... But i also want to have my mates warm body beside me when i sleep making me feel safe and comfortable. Also no sex? That would be hell. Sex with Bella was so much better than any other girl. I was addicted to her lips to her sent to her as a whole spending a whole week apart no body contact would be hell. Every touch from her body gives he insane pleasure that you could only dream of. So no contact is... hard. 

" Fine, six people were killed this morning due to another wolf attacking. Three at the boarders, two in the woods and one at the boarder of the pack's town. Luckily we were able to catch it and its now inside the pack prison. We really need to find out whose behind it and make sure its stops i don't want another person in my pack to die."

" I know whose behind it" bella whispers her head is cast down her eyes brimming with tears. I don't like seeing her cry i nearly ripped chases head off when i saw her crying in the elervator .

" It's the reason i was crying when you found me and Chase in the elevator. I broke down crying because my step father contacted me, he was warning me i don't know what about but he threaten me Theo. It brought back a whole lot of memories i would rather forget. He's after something and he won't stop until he gets it." 

" Whats he after?" 

I stared at her waiting for an answer her beautiful blond hair was pulled into a high pony tail and little wisps were flying out. I reach out to stroke them letting my hand drop to caressing her face. She looks at at me her amazing blue eyes in the mists of a storm. 

" Me." She whispered unsure. " I don't know why but he wants me, he was asking about the prophecy and...." 

" Wait he knows?" 

" I think so. But i don't know why he wants me." 

" Bella he is mad if he thinks i'm letting you get anywhere near him. He's a monster. I just wonder why he seems to hold such a grudge on our family. Do you know if he killed anyone else?" 

" He killed many people Theo but he never set out to kill any one but your family and mine."  

My wolf stirred not liking this newly found information. Jax had been more active inside me now that i had marked and mated with Bella he enjoys having here around intermatly and i cant say i disagree. 

" Do you think he's targeting us because of the prophecy?But nobody would dare defy us and our relationship all wolves know the consequence of that is death." I say to her lowly. 

" But remember the book Theo 'many will envy her.' I know its talking about our future child but it could also relate to us Theo. We are in more danger now. But our first born child will be in the most danger. " 

" Your only what 17 and you already thinking about our babies. " I tease her trying to lighten the mood. 

" Actually Theo i'm now eighteen my birthday was yesterday. "  

Wait what? Why didn't she tell me!

" I don't like my birthdays so i don't celebrate them." She gave me a weak smile oh my poor angle. I don't think i could go through what she did and still be as optimistic as her, i would be broken forever unable to be fixed. 

" You could have told me!" She lifted an eye brow. 

" Really Theo? Because i'm 100% sure you would of made a massive deal about it and i really didn't want that plus i didn't tell anyone ." I sigh. 

" I would of." I mumble, She smiled and patted my chest. 

" Don't worry sweetheart you gave me the best gift without even knowing it." I wrapped my arms around her waist bringing her face closer to mine. 

" Oh really and what was that?" 

" You." She closes the gap between us and places her soft lips on mien the one thing i'll never ever get tired of. Her lips. Her voice with was so melodic was moaning my name on my lips. Hearing her name roll off her lips was super hot and perfect, like nothing else mattered than her. 

" Alright guys keeping it Pg please." Says voice says from the doorway. Bella pulls away from the kiss her face coated in embarrassment. Jack is standing there an amused smirk on his face. I could tell my face was painted in anger. 

Jax- Who the hell does he think he is ruining our time with our mate. 

Me- I know ill get him for it later. 

" I just wanted to let you know Alpha that the wolf who attacked is downstair ready fro questioning. From his aura i think he's a Beta. " And with a nod of his head Jack was gone. 

" Who does he think he is.." I heard a soft voice from beside me i look into Bella's eyes and they were pitch black. 

" Why hello Lulu. Long time no see." 

" I know.. Ive missed you and Jax." She purred pouting. 

" Now bring Bella back i need to got sort this and she needs to get ready fro this ball tonight." 

She flashed me a grin before her eyes slowly went back to its incredible blue.

" I guess i need to go get ready?" Bella inquired. 

" Ill pick you up at six pm." I reach out and grabbed her hand giving it a kiss. She smiled and it made me melt. 

It wasn't long before she was out the door and out of sight. 

God the things that girl does to me. 

Its going to be a long night. 

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