Chapter 39

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Bella's POV

I'm now an offical member and Luna of the Silver blood pack. As soon as me and Theo's blood touch i felt a jolt of electricity coursing through me and voices welcomed me in my head. I was happy to be apart of the pack now officially. 

" You know our blood touching was actually kind of sexy. " I heard a voice in my ear. The hot breath making small sparks flow through me. I continued to talk and smile at Maria who was jumping around and was super excited that ' her best friend was finally part of the pack.' 

" You know it's not nice to ignore people angle." I grab Theo's face and pull it around so it could kiss him. I placed my soft lips on his enjoying the taste of his breath lingering on my lips. 

" I don't mind if you do that." He murmuers against my lips. 

"' Awww you guys are adorable just watching you makes me miss Sam i better go find him so we can have our own little make out session." Maria said waggling her eyes brows. I giggle into Theo's mouth and pull away smiling at my friend.

" You don't have to leave." 

" Oh trust me i have to, Alphas eyes are silently telling me to back off." She giggled. She laughed even harder when i smacked Theo on the arm. 

" Ouch you wound me woman." 

" Oh how ever would I make it up to you." He grabbed me waist. 

" Oh i could think of a few ways." His mouth started to dance with mine as if our mouths were making love to each other which sounds gross when i think that out-loud but it was magical. Too bad it had be ruined by someone who i was ten seconds away from ripping their throat out. 

" Ew get a room you two." I turned to face my sister anger clear on my face. 

" What the hell do you want Gabby." I growled. 

" I want my mothers necklace. You get the prince so i should get her necklace." 

" Like hell you should. It mine she gave it to me." 

" Well i want it." 

" Well you not getting it." I hiss. She was getting annoying for someone I hadn't seen since i was five years old she really knew how to wind me up. She still acts like a five year old. 

" Since when did you become such a bitch Gabby. This is a completely different person that i knew when i was five." 

" Well Bella that was thirteen years ago a lot has happened." She scolded me like a child, like i knew nothing... HOW DARE SHE. 

" A lot has happened? Are you kidding me right now?" I scream." So you were abducted when you were five years old and spent twelve years living everyone's worse night mere. Did you get abused over and over again? Did your own father abandon you? Did you have to watch your mother die over and over and over again and every single time you screamed were you whipped so badly that you didn't speak for three years. Were you starved and hated and sexualised by your own step father? Where you attacked constantly and screamed at for things that you never even did. Were you forbidden to do anything that you wanted to do, like train or even draw a fucking picture. No because your not me. You haven't been through all the same shit that i've been through and still be the most optimist person out there. You never, ever deserved anything. I worked my ass off to get where i am. You hid out in daddy's mansion at every attack. You became spoilt and clean while i became brave and broken. You don't know me anymore. I was there for my mother when nobody else was. Hell you never ever tried to get us out. I was there for her. So i deserve this necklace not you." I look up tears over flowing my eyes. Funny how i've cried more times here than i ever did in those twelve years. 

" I watched her die Gabby in person, while they took a stupid video. Then i was tied up and they made me watch it on loop for a week. I would wake up to her screams and it haunted me for so long. You don't know what its like. The Mood Godess blessed me because i fought every single day for my freedom and then it finally came and it met Theo. The necklace is mine." I whisper the last part then leave bidding everyone a good night on my way out. 

Why the hell do i have so much family drama. 

" Bella? Bella!" I turn to see Chase running after me. Not Theo. I give him a sad smile. 

" Are you ok?" 

I don't answer him instead i snort and keep on walking back towards my home. The sooner i get to sleep the sooner my father and Gabriella will be gone. Fuck i'm getting a head ache i can hear Chase calling out after me and really all i want to do is puke. What the hell is wrong with me? Chase is my friend. And my emotions have been like this way and that. Godess. What the hell is wrong with me? I groan. 

I finally arrived at the house and i stripped out of my clothes too tired to care about pj's. I was lying down feeling extremely calm when i hear shuffling. Too tired to care i just groan hoping that if its an intruder he'll get the hell away from me. But the foot steps seemed to be getting closer and closer then i heard the sexiest moan. 

" Fuck Bella it's like two in the morning how the hell do you expect me to get to sleep knowing your sleeping next to me naked.I mean we could-" 

" Theo i'm way too tired so my answer is no." I close my eyes trying to let sleep take over me over it was near impossible with my mate's tense state next to me. 

" For fucks sake Theo." I groan. 

" What!" 

" Your really Tense this isn't gonna work." I jump out of bed and grab a night gown from the chair across the room and quickly put it on. I run laughing and jump on the bed face planting on the pillows. Theo lay beside me stroking my hair. The moment seemed to make me fall further and further into the darkness that is sleep. 

That night i dreamt that my life was simple. 

Oh but how boring it would be. 

That night i dreamt by life was drama free

Oh but how it could never be. 

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