Chapter 33

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Bella's POV

The sun shone brightly through my window waking me up. I was sprawled against someones naked chest. Frightened i jerk my head up only to see Theo's handsome face asleep. Slowly the events of last night come back too me and i smile. I place my head on Theo's chest trying to get closer to him. 

I opened up to him, i had held it in for so long all that emotion and pain, it felt good to let it out. Theo was amazing he was there supporting me, soothing me. I was ready for us to mate. I knew that he was what i wanted and i knew that he would stick by me and treat me like i'm his queen. He changed after he marked me. He acted like he cared. It was what i had always wanted and for that reason i didn't shut him out. If he ended up breaking my heart it would be worth it. 

Theo's breathing got shallower meaning he was waking up. I giggled lightly he looked swoon worthy in the morning with his messy hair, relaxed face his god like body so beautiful in this morning light. His arms moved tighter around my waist causing butterflies to flap around in my stomach. What trouble this man is. As if he knew exactly what i was thinking a smile played on his lips, his eyes still closed. He was pretending that he was asleep. I leaned forward, if he wanted to play that game so be it. I wrap my arms around his neck pull me so close that every single inch of our naked bodies were touching each other. I could feel him trying to not moan out load. Luckily for him nothing escaped his mouth. I'm going to have to try harder. Starting at his jaw i pressed kissed down his neck the down his strong abs. I was centermeters away from his private areas when i stopped and pulled away, getting out of the bed at stretched. He groaned. 

" Now thats how i would love to wake up to every morning. Though i don't apreciate you teasing me angle." 

" You teased me to your hearts content last night. It was only fair that i got some pay back." I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. 

Within second i was pressed up against the closest wall Theos face centimeters away from mine. " We both know how much you love last night." His wispered his voice still husky, filled with sleep. I ran my fingers down his chest feeling confident. 

" Oh i loved last night so much but i don't have anything to compare it to maybe i could go and..." 

He growled loudly. " You are Mine Bella." 

" Awww i know that honey i was just playing around." I pouted and made puppy dog eyes at him. He gave me a playful growl and went in for a kiss. I egarly welcomed it. But it started getting extreamly heated and well i have things i need to do today. 

"Theo there are things we need to get done today." I whisper in his eyes while he kisses him mark on my shoulder. It was such a sensation that i let out a gasp at the end of my sentence and then just stood there paralyzed. 

" You know i heard that newly mated mates spend at least a couple of days without coming out of their bedroom." He smirked his voices still low and sexy. 

" Well you know that rouge that attacked me?" Theo growled. " I figured id start putting my luna abilities and my powers to use." I said with a shrug. " Also you have to kick Poppy out today i would do it myself but on the drive home i promise Maria lunch so...." He growled lowly, not liking that he's not getting what he wants. 

" But i will promise you a candle lit dinner and maybe after that we could...." Before i could finished my sentence Theo captured my lips in one last kiss. I sighed in happiness before he let my lips go, when he stepped away from me my naked body suddenly felt extremely cold. 

I walked towards the closest making sure i'm swaying my hips as i pass Theo. I look up when i walk past to see his eyes have gone completely black and he was groaning as if he was in pain. I gave him a playful wink and ran the rest of the way to the wardrobe shutting the door behind me. 

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