Chapter 48

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I pace my way around the cell tears running down my face like a waterfall. Stroking my tummy in a protective manner, my habbit. How the hell was i going to get out of this? Chase didn't nearly provide me with enough information, im just one emotion, confused train wreck. And on top of that I want my mate. I miss Theo more than i'll miss my next breath if i don't take it. 

Suddenly i heard shuffling. I stopped my ears perking up. Sadly my father was clever enough to use sound proof walls. I huff in frustration at such a tiny sound. I plonk myslef down on my bed and sob into my hands leting all the confusion and frustration from the last few days out. 

For the millionth time i asked myself what did i do to deserve this? A qustion that i had pondered over for a long time, a question that i don't think has an answer and if i did it would be too complicated to descibe let along know where gto start and where to end. But i did end up coming to the conclusion, that in fact i didn't derserve this. But that fate has a way to restore balance. You have power, you get abused by those who envy it. 

So that is how i ended up in this situation. Because somehow my step father managed to figure out that me and Theo were mates before we even knew. And tried to put a stop to it. He tried to kill Theo and failed, but the question remains. Why the hell didn't he kill me? My mind conjoured up all these sickening thoughs and i had the sudden need to puke enven though i havn't eaten for days. 

" Thinking of me?" I froze. That voice... it haunted me through my whole childhood, it still haunts me till this day. Shakily i turn around to come face to face with the one person who manage dto break me. Finally our eyes met and i kept my mouth shut just looking into his eyes making sure that my emotions were impacting him instead of my words. 

" Well, how rude. I taught you better manners than that my dear. And to think i brought you a gift." He critisised. My eyes narrowed into slits my breaths becoming raggard. 

" What could you possible have that I want?" I spat. I was furious. How dare he act like its just a normal Sunday after dinner and we are all singing around a fucking campfire. he sighs. 

" Oh, i think you'll want this one. " He sneered. I kept my eyes on him as her whistled. His face was becoming old with age even though he was only what 39? He must of killed his witch recently and the youth spell is wearing off on him. I see someone coming out from behind him dragging another man behind him.The smell of Theo fills the air. 

" Theo!" I scream. My eyes widen. There was blood all over him. It looked like they had used him as a punching bag, bruises were all over his body. Their were cuts, some deeper than others. Some of his bones seemed broken. I was scream and shouting at my father. Wanting him to give him to me. To let me do something to help him. All my father could do was laugh. He signalled for the man carrying Theo to chuck him in my cell. The man obliged. I growled, furious at the situation. As soon as Theo's body hit the cell floor i rushed over to him. I grasped onto his hand weeping over her. He was alive, unconscious. But he was already healing. He would be awake at any moment. 

"How could you." I force out in between sobs. 

" Well my darling. Every since i was a child i have been obsessed with the Silver blood line prophecy. I was cirtan it was me in that prophecy. Only i wasn't from any type of royalty. But that really didn't stop me from my thoughts. I would read the old battered handwritten copy of the book that my mother had given to me on my 5th birthday every single night. I was fixated, determined and well cirtan that it was me. Imagine my surprise when i met my omega mate. I was an Alphas son and no way was i going to mark and mate with her. The moon godess had obviously made a mistake. So i killed her, without a second thought." 

" Your sick." I spat. He chose to ignore me and continue with his story, 

" Then i started my research. You see i had heard of this Luna who seemed to have more power radiating off her than her husband, the Alpha. One day i traveled to their pack and was i blown away or what? I caught her in a moment of weakness when she let her power loose. I was nearly knocked off my feet. That kind of power was identical to a royal. Then i managed to track you down. Wasn't too easy considering everybody knows where the rouge king and queen live. Then i caught a glimpse of your mother. I knew she would keep my bed warm while i waited for you to grow up. So i started sending threats, many of them. Your parents got scared. You see i was smart and they seemed to know that. So in desperate attempts to keep their precious prophecy child safe they sent her away until the threat had been eliminated, little did they know... they sent the wrong child. So i took you and your mother away from your father. I got an all powerful witch who owed me a favour to removed your fathers mark on your mother and i marked and mated with her. Now that was fun. I then went and killed your precious mates mother, knowing ti would drive his father insane to the point of death, then i beat Theo there to what i thought was his last breath. Years later i heard of this rouge who was building an empire, becoming a king, when i found out it was your little mate over there i was angry.. really really angry. But i ended up having other problems, i found out your whore of a mother had been seeing your father. I already had you in a venerable position. She became a... liability. So i got rid of her. But then many years later, when i was planning on marking you and mating with you...." 

I nearly puked, but instead growled lowly. Again he didn't seem to care. He was off in his own little world. 

" ... you got fucking Kidnapped. By your mate. He was getting on my nerves. I needed to get you back and fast. So I started planting seeds.  First our pack slut poppy. a witch practising in the dark arts may of deceived your little Beta friend into thinking Poppy was the perfect little person for your chosen mate. The playboy and the slut together, i thought it would be a match made in heaven. But it wasn't enough, that son of a bitch marked you instead of her, Luckily i had a plan B . I had sought out a strong White witch, i blackmailed her into planting a spell on Chase when he was on his 'trip' so that i could control him. It brought out a nasty side in him. That spell stayed dormant inside him for a while until i needed him. I had been sending you your little messages, warnings more like. yet you made no move to come and pay me a visit. So i brought in extreme mesures and how useful it was to find out our little Chase was a Hybrid. Sweet little Chase, who fell head over heels in love with you. It was a weakness your little friendship so i used it against both of you. He felt hurt, you felt betrayed. It was perfect. But he needed.. encouragement to continue taking a little pill that had our control spell bound to it. So when he found his mate- your sister. I had my black mailing tool. Then of course your stupid Mate decided to come to America leaving you all alone at home even though there had been numerous attacks with no sight of the attacker. And just like that i had leverage on you. You needed your mate, you needed to save him. But your a smart little cookie aren't you. Knowing that without any leverage on me, you could end up in the same state as your mate, in the same state as you were when i broke you. But you were two minute too late on collecting that leverage. Weren't you? Then of course just a moment ago you met my master piece. The angry Chase , the one he keeps locked inside. All i was thinking about was his well being when i brought it to the surface So really all of this.... Drama is for you. So that i can have the power i deserve, the queen i deserve." 

I dragged my eyes away for my hurt mate to met my fathers eyes. His eyes held want, mine held hatred. I would die before i allowed him to get rid of Theo's mark, let alone mark and mate with me. My eyes burnt flames. I stretched out my emotion to it taking ahold of his. There was a pain, a strain in doing this, i knew it was because of the Casia poking out  of his expensive suit. But i push harder my head hurt with the force. It was if this stupid flower was putting a force field around him. 

The pain intensified as i pushed further. But i didn't have the strength to get through it, I slumped against my mate. I felt emotionally drained... I felt broken.

" You never win my love, not against me." 

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