Chapter 35

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I walk with Theo hand in hand along the path binding the city together. We had decided to go out to town for dinner considering the wind had calmed down and there was no rain in sight, only snow. My simple off the shoulder long sleeve dress that went down to my knees along with my fury cape made me feel like i was a princess, Theo sure made an excellent Prince charming. 

Suddenly Theo spins me around to face him, it was so sudden, our conversation stopped. He looked into my eyes and all i saw was happiness, i could feel it too it was strong, warm and comforting i could get use to feel like this... Not so broken. 

We reach the outside of town, we walked into town feeling as if we needed some time alone and away from the pack. They were ecstatic when they heard we were home, we had people running up and congratulating us. I felt like i had finally found a place i can call home. All my friends were super happy for us... well except chase. He seems to storm off whenever i come into a room which was awkward when me and Theo went to train together and he was there training the Kids. 

He went to storm off but Theo stopped him and told him that he had to stay and help train the kids. Actually it was more like yelled, it ended up being a full on fight that i had to put a stop to. Theo  knew what was going on with Chase but wouldn't tell me. I sigh, something i seem to do a lot. 

" What's wring Bella?" As soon as i hear his voice my body intently relaxes, all this tress goes out the window. I focus on the sensation that the sparks give me. 

" Its really nothing, Just thinking." I said softly

" About what." So persistant this man, i chuckle and roll me eyes. 

" Just about earlier, you know how these past weeks have bee, Chase." At the mention of his cousin. Theo stops and goes stiff letting iff a loud growl. I try talking him to calm him but nothing works , not even my powers. Suddenly because the world seems to be against me, it starts to rain even through the sky showed no warning. The water sprays me soaking my coat.I swear under my breath. I look around to see a buss stop. Thank the lord. I pull on Theo's hand but he doesn't move. 

" Theo for fucks sake move it." 

He just starts growling. Omg you have got to be kidding. I look at Theo and he's staring at the bus stop continuing this madness. I scream. I look at the bus stop thinking about wether i should just make a run for it without Theo or try and get him to come with me.

The ran is pouring down making my vision go bury. It was that moment i got the shock of my life. The bus stop disappeared. Ok i know i sound crazy but its true it was gone. Bam smack. I rubbed my eyes and it was still not there and in it place just stood a lampost. I swear i nearly puked. I looked back at Theo to see if he was seeing this too but his face just remained calm. All his anger had faded. It could feel his slight surprise though, again he knew what was going on, and i didn't. I blinked a couple more times and the bus stop appeared again. What the freaking hell. 

Theo picks me up bridal style and carries me the 300 meters to the bus stop. We sat there in silence as the rain faded away. I was shivering and Theo was attempting to warm me up. I was so confused. What the hell was that. After a long time of silence i finally decided to break it. 

" Di-did you see it too." My voice shock. I swerved my gaze from the street in front of us to Theo's face. His jaw was clenched and i could se him nodding his head. 

"The bus stop freaking disappeared Theo HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN!?" I screamed

Theo mumbled something under his breath. 

" Theo?" 

" my powers Bella. " 

" I'm sorry Theo?" 

" Bella, my powers. To manipulate objects, I can make them disappear and i can change its shape." I stood there shocked. Really i shouldn't be surprised i mean we are marked and mated so it wouldn't of been very long until this happened, i also discovered my powers when i was beyond angry. 

" But you just made it disappear, how do you know you can change its shape." 

" The lampost." 

Oh my freaking gosh, yes the lampost. The bus stop was gone then there was a lampost then a bus stop, Fucking hell it had to be today. I tried not to over react but i could feel Theo's hands rubbing circles on my back, he knew i was frightened. I lean my head on his shoulder taking deep breaths. I was frightened, it's all beginning now. I just... i don't know what to say or think. This was my future, my forever. The Moon godess knew this was to happen, she made sure it would by pair me and Theo together. But there was still something nagging at the back of my mine, something i needed to clear before i could start my forever.  I stood up and Theo followed, pulling me closer to him. 

" Theo can you tell me something?" I breath our faces inches apart. Snow had just started to fall around us creating the most romantic scenery . I looked into his emerald eyes as he nodded his head.

" Why? Why did you choose Poppy over me?" I whisper. My eyes were brimming with tears. " Was i never enough for you? What was it that i did that was so wrong that you went and got her."

" Oh Bella." He looked deep into my eyes as my tears spilt and fell down my face. " It was never between you and Poppy, It was between being selfish or protecting you. But now i know i never needed to protect you, your stronger than anybody i know and i judged you, part of me hated you because of what you step father had done to my family but ever since i first saw you i had fallen in love with you. I had to act the way i did, i don't deserve your love or anyone's i thought if i got a chosen Luna you would get the picture that i can't have you, your too good for me. I never knew your story though and i'm sorry that i never gave you teh chance to tell me, but now i know that we both so fucked up Bella. And yet I don't even care anymore because we make each other better and stronger. I wouldn't want anyone else as my Luna as my Queen. I think that in the end i was always going to chose you, and i will if i have to over and over and over again until i get it right." He pulled me closer to him his arms snaking around my waist. 

" I love you so much Bella Summer, more than you could possibly imagine." He breaths. 

His lips are so close to mine that were breathing the same air. I pull him down so that his lips touch mine, softly at first but it quickly gets passionate and so much more heated. I'm the one who pulls apart. The aching feeling in my heart tells me he's sad and i flash him and small smile. Our foreheads are touching and right now i feel at peace. 

" I love you more Theo Silver. " 



thats all i can really say. 


Please comment because when you do it makes my day! 

Also i was wondering who people think would play the Characters? Comment down below who you guys think! 

Last but not least if you guys are wondering how much longer this book is going to be 



Ok! Awesome, i know how its going to go and i am 100000000% sure i'll finish it and do another book but just hold tight we probably 2/3 or 1/2 way through? 

We'll see

Love you all 



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