Chapter 4

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Theo's POV
This morning I was excited. Jack had called me when the landed, they were able to do it- I was finally going to get the revenge I wanted. Smiling to myself I quickly got dressed, feeling almost giddy for the first time in what seems like forever and headed up to my office. I allowed myself to smile softly. Mentally chanting to my wolf, happy. Only he didn't reply- strange. He was just as keen as me to get revenge for what happened to my family. Only now, he won't say a thing.

I was about to start my paper work when I caught the most incredible scent. It was like candy floss, vanilla and pepper mint all my favourite smells. Oh my goodness it was addictive. After I deal with the so called princess I would have to go find that scent. I managed to get some work down but my thoughts drifted.

I'm a very hard working man and I went from being an orphan rouge to being the alpha of the largest and strongest packs in the world. Mainly because I don't have a heart. When I lost my family, my heart sort of froze. So far nobody, no lovers or friends have been able to unfreeze it.

A little while later after I had gotten quite a lot of paper work done Lisa paid me a visit, naked. Now that was. Don't go thinking I'm a man whore because I don't sleep with people that often. I know I have a mate out there but I wasn't really thinking about it, I don't really need a mate past the traditional purposes, as if I could ever love them. I just wouldn't deserve them. I mean I have lots of girls coming up to me asking me out and trying to seduce me. Sometimes I get tired of pushing them away.

People have been talking though and I agreeded that if I haven't found my mate my next month I'll marry someone of their choice. I didn't like that but my tribe needs a Luna. I just hope my mate comes along soon.

I don't really believe in this whole mate thing I mean. Seriously this mate thing recked my parents marriage, my family, my life and got my father killed not that I was very close to him.

So in a way I don't really want to find my mate because love is the only thing that has the power to destroy us.

It's a debatable subject at the moment.

Suddenly I heard Jack talking, only being lost in my thoughts I don't really hear him and I look up. I see the most beautiful girl I have even seen in my entire life. She had tanned olive skin. Long blond hair that went in waves down her back. I couldn't see her eyes....I needed to see them. I pushed Lisa off me. Giving her the look that says get out of my fucking office.

Suddenly I catch that sent again and my wolf Jax comes out crazy
Jax- take me to it please I'm begging you Theo.
Me- not just yet Jax.
Jax- Theo...
I ignore him and watch her submissive stance, somehow it pleased me. Snarling I step forward. Without thinking I grab her hair- rough.  While speaking to her she finally decides to look up at me and Jax goes insane. Those amazing Bright blue eyes.
Jax- mate
"Fucking hell this kind of stuff only happens in books." I growl at her. She flinches slightly, I could see her hands shaking wildly.
I pull her to me without thinking and inhale her delicious sent. Jax was going insane, he wanted to mark her right there and then. I could feel him pushing for control and I couldn't let that happen. I growl again and all she does is look up at me with huge blue eyes. She so beautiful.... and petite. I'm going to have trouble getting all the guys off her. Just the thought of my beauty with another man makes my blood boil.

" take her to my room. I'll be there soon." I snap.

Bella's POV

Great now I get to live another day. I found my mate someone who I would of imagined to be kind , gental and caring. Someone who I imagined would love and protect me. Someone who is loyal. But I have heard of Alpha Theo long before I can here and he's ruthless and cruel. He also put a target on my back long ago, making my fight for survival so much harder, and I have no idea why he did it.

Jack placed me in the most beautiful bedroom but I didn't take the chance to explore it as soon as i heard Jacks foot prints fade away, I turned to the door. And thank god he left it unlocked- there is no way in hell I am staying here. I run downstairs downstairs and into what looks like the kitchen. I saw a young man with the same dark hair as Theo's, is it Theo? I'm slowly backing away, my fair spiking when the man turned around. Wow he is handsome. Not as hot as Theo, but definitely up there. "Hey how can I help you?" He asked smiling. He sounded like a waiter at a cafe.

I open my mouth but no sound comes out. Instead I just stare at him complete and utterly stuck. Do I run? Do I stay? Suddenly a spiking pain hits my stomach forcing it to roar like a lion. I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

" I'm sorry, I haven't eaten for weeks so I was wondering if I would get some food." I managed to save myself from another awkward situation, good one Bella!

" of course beautiful." I blush at him calling me beautiful. My hair curtains my face and I look up at him through my hair. " Your not from around here are you." He asks heading over to the fridge. I sigh "No I'm not. I've lived in America most of my life. Theo's army of hulogans kidnapped me."

He laughed " If your a prisoner, how come your up here?" I shrug " I get into habits of going places i'm not suppose to." He looks at me and I look at him. I wiggle my eye brows suggestively and crack a smile making him chuckle. " I'm sorry your face is just so adorable when you look at me like that." I said to him. " I'm glad you think I'm adorable."

"We're gonna be good friends." I tell him, in a way that suggest he's going to have no choice in the matter. He looks at me his eyes shining. " what if I don't want to be your friend." He comes closer to me so that we're only a footstep apart. " what if I want more." His lips are so close to mine I gulp loudly and look up into his puppy dog eyes. At that moment my Mate came to the surface of my mind. I have a mate...

Lulu- Bella! Don't do this to Theo and Jax!
I could feel Lulu try and take control that's when I heard a loud growl.
" Chase take a step away from my Mate or I will end you."
I turn to see my mate standing in the door way, tense and blazing with anger.
" Princess." He spat. I growled at him." Your coming with me." He walks toward reaching or for me- I growled even louder
"No." I say confidently, dodging his grip.

He almost stumbles over in surprise, I bet he's never had anybody stand up to him before. The cruel selfish Alpha.
" You are not my master nor my alpha. I am your equal." I growled, a fearless Englert burning through me. He was my mate, he could no longer hurt me. I push his rock hard abs and look up into his eyes my wolf yearns for me to submit to him but I'm tired or being people play things. I'm my own person. That's one right I will let nobody else take from me. I stomp past him utterly furious.

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