Chapter 6

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I look over at him and I try not to growl. I had been avoiding his gaze. I turn only to see him staring at me and Chase with wide eyes but that's not what I'm angry about. He was true to his word and that slut from yesterday was starch naked under her robe whispering things inside his ear, I couldn't take it. Lulu was howling in pain. Just like last night.....

Right now I felt I had two options. Number one, make his jealous or number two run away from him. After much debate, I decided to with number 1 because I don't think Lulu would let me shift now that she knows it would be because I was trying to run - Away from my mate.
Lulu- hell yea.
I turn to Chase who was still unaware of our visitors. " So Bella there is this party tonight at the pack house tonight, its a massacred party in the ballroom and i was wondering if you...."                
" Chase I need you to kiss me" I whisper urgently. My eyes keep fluttering to Theo's tense figure watching us in the doorway.

"Well that's very forward of you Bella, I'm flattered but-" he stops what he's saying and looks me in the eyes sighing, he knew.

"he's here isn't he" It sounded almost like a groan, hesitatingly I nod my head. " please" he looks into my eyes then my mouth. " only if you promise to protect me if he tries to murder me." He mutters. I giggle and nod my head. He looked into my eyes and started caressing my face. He let his fingers travel down my face and down my neck and onto my arm making me shiver.

Lulu- this better be for a good cause Bella or I may never forgive you.
Me- of course it is Lulu, I just need to make him jealous.
Chase cups my cheeks and leans in and then kisses me long and deep. I moan. I have never been kissed like this before, it was a great kiss. However the fact that it wasn't with my mate and instead he was forced to watch the kiss made me feel sick inside. I was starting to get a little dizzy when Chase was suddenly pulled from me.

I see Theo slam his body against the wall, hit white rage was all I could see on his face, in his stance- this wasn't good. Chase called out my name, a strangled beckoning cry.I knew that if I didn't stop him that Theo would kill him. I run up to Theo trying to pull his arm away from Chase. He was chocking him, I scream in panic.

Panicking I grab the gun I can see poking out from Theo's jeans, quickly I snatch it up.

" Theo, let go of him or I'll shoot." I aim the gun towards him, my wolf was angry at how this was going and was trying to strip me of my control. My hands were shaking but I knew deep down I wouldn't shoot. He seemed to know this too. Panicking I turn the gun till it's aimed at my head.I could let Chase loose his life because of me.

" you wouldn't" Theo snarled. Even laced with anger and fear his voice still sounds like velvet.
I hold down the trigger so that it's dangerously close to the bullet being shot:
" let him go." I asked again, I was filled with determination.

" Baby why does it even matter! Lets just go back to bed." Whined the slut.
Turning around I shot her in the head with no hesitation. Theo's mouth dropped open, he was shocked. Honestly so was I, I slightly cursed Lulu at the back of my mind. Screaming in frustration when she just laughed.

" Your just like your father. You kill without a second thought. No regrets." He whispered, horror etched into his voice.

Oh how wrong He was, that was really Lulu who shot that girl, she was pissed off with that girl so it was easy for her to gain control. The regret part? Let's just say I'm feeling incredibly guilty. I shot someone, I'm just as bad as him. I can sob later right now I need Theo to let go of Chase. I raise the gun to my head one more time.

" I'm going to ask you one more time. Let go of him Theodore." My voice was shaking but I had to try and make it sound convincing.

He growled, his grip tightening, i mimicked him, my fingers tightened on the trigger. I watch as a flood a fear ripples through Theo and eventually he let him go and I ran up to Chase making sure he was alright.

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