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It's Christmas Day and Harry and I are in the living room playing with Doug.

I put a little bow tie on our pug because why not. He looks cute with one on. The bow tie is dark blue with white snow flakes on top.

Harry tosses the ball out of the room and Doug runs to get it. I look to my boyfriend who has a faint smile on his lips.

"Can I give you your present now?" I ask him eagerly.

"Sure. I'll give you yours too then," I stand up and go to our room to grab the box. I put it under our bed.

I got him a pair of boots by some fancy brand he always wears. Kris's Dad, has a friend who works at one of the stores where they sell them. He got me a deal on the new style of boots that aren't even out yet. They come out this spring.

I return to the living room and sit on the floor, across from Harry who has another small box.

I hand him over his gift and his eyes narrow. He slowly unwraps it and see's it's a light brown shoe box. Harry opens the box and his eyes rest on his new boots. "How did you even get these? They aren't even out," My boyfriend asks while looking back to me.

"I have my ways," I hum sweetly.

"These are expensive," Harry says while eyeing at me.

"So was the ring you got me for my birthday," I say.

"I feel bad accepting these but they're so pretty in person," I laugh at his words and lean in to kiss him. "Thank you,"

"Of course," I grin. I peck his lips and soon sit back down.

Harry hands over my gift which is a small box. It's bigger than the one yesterday, but it's still small.

I unwrap the box that had blue wrapping paper, and I'm left with a white plain box. "I love it," I say to Harry who rolls his eyes playfully at me.

I open the box and my eyes land on car keys. "I'm not accepting this," I say instantly.

"Yes you are,"

"Nope, a new car is worth more than my life existence," I say causing his eyes to narrow at me.

"Eve, your car now is falling apart. You need a new one,"

"You can't pay the insurance on it every month. And this car is worth like what? Forty grand?" I say.

"Sure," My head tilts at his answer. Harry moves closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist. His lips touch my cheek.

"I can't keep this," I repeat.

"Yes you are," Harry tells me making my eyes scowl at him.

"It's too much and-"

"I have the money to get you things, Eve. I have the money to spoil you and that's what I plan to do. But, you need a car, the one now will kill you and I like you alive."

I look down at the keys in the box then back to my boyfriend who has a smug grin on his pink lips. He leans in to kiss me and I kiss back. "You made my gift seem bad," I say.

"Don't say that," Harry scolds. "I was very surprised with my gift. I thought I was getting a new tie or belt,"

"You're worth more than a new tie or belt," He smiles at my words and leans in to me again. What makes our kissing stop is Doug nudging his way between us with his ball.

Harry and I both laugh at our dog.


Around ten o'clock my phone rings and I see it's Mason calling me.

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