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Harry is in bed with Avery on his lap. I have the list of all the things I need to do these two weeks, and I'm about to leave for the office.

"Remember you have to take your medicine after you eat," I remind Harry. "And you have to wait thirty minutes after you eat to take them," I add.

"You've told me six times," He says with a soft smile.

"Well, you easily forget," I mumble. "If you need me, my phone is on. I fed and changed Avery so she should be good for a while,"

"You said that five minutes ago," Harry says while looking up at me. "I'll be fine,"

"Okay," I murmur. "I'll be coming back around twelve anyways," I say. I lean down and kiss my daughters cheek.

Harry and I haven't kissed in a few days. We haven't talked about anything about our argument since the hospital. But, we both know we have things to talk through. I kiss Harry's cheek and give him a gentle smile.

"Have fun being me for two weeks," He says causing me to chuckle.

"I will," I murmur.


I sit at Harry's desk after our annual morning meeting. Since I am the "CEO" of the place for the time being, I had to talk about stuff. Liam helped me through it which I was thankful for. Harry had notes that I read off, but there was a lot missing.

He told me the password to his computer was AveryStyles1234. When he told me that, it was hard not to smile.

I log into his computer and look to the paper beside me.

Read emails, and reply to them with the given format in my documents depending.

That doesn't sound so bad.


I want to die.

Actually die. What the hell are these emails about? How do I know which format goes with what?

The names for the formats are '1', '2', '3', and so on. And all the formats look the same when you open them. I read through the different formats, and to me, there is nothing different between all of them.

So, that didn't help at all.

I had to once again have Liam tell me which one is which. I don't know how Liam understands Harry's files names and which one is which, then again he was the CEO when Harry was home with me when Ava was a baby. Newborn baby that is.

I wrote notes for each template name so I know which one is which. Other than that, I'm having an okay time. At four o'clock is when I need to stop by Champs to talk to the construction workers.

I take my eyes off of the computer and let out a shrug. I rest my head on the desk and close my eyes for a while. My brain is pounding again my skull, and my eyes are tired from reading all of these professional emails. Do you know how many words I needed to google? A lot of fucking words.

I take my head off of the wooden desk and look back to the computer screen that I want to throw across the room.

How does Harry do this on his phone? Does he actually type it out? I'd want to die if I had to do that.

I click on the next email I need to answer and shrug loudly by how long it is. I pull up google in the next tab and tie my hair into a messy bun.


I haven't had a chance to go home because I had a meeting to go to at 1:30. I actually knew what to say during this one, which I was happy about.

I'm at Champs now and I see the door that was once glass is shattered, but has wood over it so no one can get in. I see the construction workers in the inside through the window.

Happily Ever After (sequel to CEO)Where stories live. Discover now