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I sit beside Harry who is still unconscious. He doesn't have a tube in his throat or anything. Just one of the oxygen things that go through the nose. His face is pale and his hands are cold.

I asked the doctors if he will be okay. None of them gave me a definite answer besides 'it's up to him'. Did that answer annoy me? Yes. Did I say anything? No.

I asked when he will wake up or if he will, and they gave me the same answer. The surgeon who worked on Harry told me the gun shot was very close to his heart, and if it were a few inches above, he would've died instantly.

I stare at Harry's face, in hopes he'll wake up. My hand is holding his and my fingers stroke his pale knuckles. I feel like crying, which I probably will be doing in a few minutes. I look to the doorway of his room and see Daren. He has a bag of pretzels and a water bottle in his hand.

"You need to eat," My brother says while placing the food he got me on the nightstand next to my body. Daren sits besides me and I look to him. I know Liam is outside, giving me some time with him. I'm thankful they came though.

I don't say anything to Daren. I just look back to Harry. "The dogs are at my house," I hear my brother say. I screw my eyes shut and lower my head down. I totally forgot about them.

"How did you-" He cuts me off.

"I'm friends with the owner of the hotel. Plus, I kind of figured you spaced out. I went to the hotel before I came here," He explains.

"Thank you," I say in a low, timid voice. Daren just nods and looks to Harry, as I do.

"So, John is dead," He brings up causing my eyes to screw shut. "How do you feel about that?"

"I feel relieved but bad," I admit. "I mean, I shouldn't feel bad at all because he put Harry in this position. But like, knowing he didn't know where he was and didn't know he did anything makes me feel bad and I hate it. I hate that I can't hate him because it wasn't him doing any of these things. It was the voices in his head," I say through a tense breath. My chest is tight and I just shake my head.

Daren rests his hand on mine and squeezes it gently. "Do you think what he did to you, wasn't actually him?"

"Probably," I murmur. "I don't want to think about that though," I say. Daren nods, and drops the topic.

"You should go take a shower, and get cleaned up," My brother says. I look down at my body and my eyes land on the blood on me.

"I don't want to leave him," I say. I hold onto Harry's more and bite my lower lip.

"You look like you're from the movie Carrie," He says in a gentle voice. I would usually find that funny, but now I can't even smile.

"The house is closest to here, and I don't want to take a shower there considering there is going to be blood stains on the floor," I'm just lucky the flooring in the foyer isn't carpet.

"Mason and Ethan already cleaned the blood up," I hear my brother say beside me. My eyes look to Daren. His light brown eyes look into mine and a soft smile goes on his mouth. "I'll call you if anything happens," I hesitantly stand up from the chair I'm sitting in. Before I leave, he gives me the pretzels and water. I give him a soft smile then leave the hospital room.


I stand at my doorstep, contemplating whether I actually want to go inside or not. My mind replays everything that happened today in my mind, making me grow sick. My foot taps against the porch nervously and I swallow down my thoughts and fears.

I slowly open the front door that's unlocked. I turn on the light in the foyer and lay my eyes on a clean area. There is no trace of blood anywhere. I'll text Mason and Ethan after I take a shower.

I walk upstairs and walk into the bathroom Harry and I share. I don't look at myself in the mirror or anything. I just pull down the clothes I was wearing and turn on the shower. My hands are a little shaky still, probably from the lack of food and energy in me.

I step into the warm water and try to relax for the time being.


A towel is draped around my body as I pick out clothes I want to wear. I decide on black leggings since that will make me feel comfortable. I put on a new bra and think of what shirt I want to wear. I rummage around my drawers until I find a regular black shirt that I usually wear on my lazy days. I slip it onto my body and look down at my pile of clothes. My eyes come across a familiar white shirt that belongs to Harry. A faint smile goes on my mouth.

I take out the shirt just stare at it. I press it against my chest and close my eyes that start to burn with tears. The shirt smells like his cologne, which makes my heart burn.

I place the shirt back down in my dresser and wipe my eyes that let out a few tears. I put on my shoes and grab a jacket before I leave the bedroom.

Before I leave the house, I go to the bathroom. Before I pee, I rummage around the cabinet under the sink, looking for something.

I take out one of the tests I have left and bite my lip.


I sit on the lid of the toilet bowl, wondering what the answer will be to the pregnancy test I just took. I've been having a feeling I am, but I didn't want to jinx anything or get my hopes up like usual.

My timer goes off, and I glance to the test in the sink. It reads positive and my eyes burn more.



i hope you guys are still liking this boook

comment goal: 50???


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