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I was supposed to get my period on a Wednesday.

It's that following Monday now.

I still don't have it. 

I leave the bathroom after I pee and tiredly run my hand through my hair. "Did you get it?" Harry asks me. A nervous look is on his face.

"Yeah," I find myself saying.

"Are you being serious?" His voice is happy and the gloomy look on his face disappears.

"Yeah," I fake a smile. Harry wraps his arms around my body causing my eyes to sting. 

"That's a relief," He lets out a shrug. "We just have to be more careful next time," Harry pulls away from our hug and his hands hold onto my elbows. 

"Yep," I say again. He leans into me and presses his lips against mine. 

"If you need anything, let me know, okay?"

"Okay," I answer with a weak smile. Harry soon disappears to where ever and I'm left standing in front of the bathroom door. I shouldn't have lied. I should've said the truth. 

Guilt rises inside of me causing me to feel sick. I rest my hand on my stomach and let out a deep breath.

I hope my period comes in a few days. I can't keep on wondering if I am or not. Plus, I just lied to Harry and I feel bad. I hate lying, especially to the people I love.

I'm not going to take a pregnancy test. My luck would be Harry finding it in the trash and calling me out on lying. 

I'll just make a doctor's appointment. That's a safe bet. Plus, if I do take I test and it says 'positive', I should still go to the doctors just in case. I'm just skipping the first step. 

"I hired movers for Friday. We just have to pack up our things tomorrow and during the week. Sounds good?" Harry says to me.

"Sounds good," I say with a faint smile.

"Why don't you lay down? You probably have cramps and need to rest," His lips kiss my cheek. 

"Yeah, I'm going to do that, thanks." I say. I peck his lips and walk up stairs. I lay down on the mattress and close my eyes.

I try to push the sick feeling away but it still remains in my stomach. I assume it's because I feel guilty that I lied to Harry. 

Well, that's what I hope the sick feeling is coming from.

Harry POV

 I sit across from Liam at the bar we usually get drinks at.

"So," Liam starts. "I'm thinking about proposing to Sophia soon," 

"Why?" I ask. His eyebrows furrow at my question.

"Because I love her," He says like it's obvious.

"You've only been dating a year though, shouldn't you wait?" I ask. I sip my beer and lean back in the booth.

"I'm turning thirty in a few months. I want to get married and create little children. I'm not going to wait till I'm thirty six to get married like you," My friend remarks. "Plus, I know she's the one for me, why wait?" 

"Because you've only been dating a year," I repeat. 

"And?" Liam asks. "Why waste time dating when I want to move forward with Sophia? I'm not getting any younger," He sips his beer and looks at me.

"I don't know, you do you. Congratulations. I hope she says yes." 

"Thank you," Liam speaks. "Do you want to marry Eve?" 

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