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"Hey," Harry greets me. His green eyes look away from Doug and to me. The TV is low and all you hear really is our dogs loud breaths.

"Hi," I murmur back. My hand runs through my hair tiredly. I just feel like taking a nap. And I also feel like throwing up.

"Can we talk?" He asks me. Worry flushes over my body making me feel even more sick than I already am.

What does he want to talk about?

"Yeah," I answer. I feel a lump in my throat form. Harry stands up from the floor and runs his hand through his brown curls.

"I went to therapy today as uh, like I do every two-ish weeks and I was talking to him about us and stuff. Anyways, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I've been acting--about uh the whole future thing. It took me talking to Liam for me to realise I've been an ass. I uh, should've talked to my therapist sooner about kids and marriage and how I need to get over my reasons for not wanting them, especially now since I'm with you and you want those things.

And I also want to say sorry for being distant these past few weeks about the pregnancy thing. I was just scared and worried and I'm sorry for taking it out on you. I do see myself with you in the long run, and I want you to make you happy. Maybe two or so years from now we'll be married and have some kids of our own. I think the little scare we had was good because it did open up my eyes on what could happen. But, I really am sorry for the way I've been acting about it and I hope you can forgive me,"

My eyes are welled up and my heart is pounding. Tears start to leave my eyes causing Harry to get worried. "No, don't cry. Did I say something out of line?" His hands hold my elbows and his eyes look into mine.

I shake my head 'no' and try to calm myself down.

I feel even worse now for lying to him. I feel even more sick telling him the truth now.

"I-I uh," I pause for a moment and close my eyes. I wipe my damp cheeks and let out a deep breath. "I lied when I said I got my period," I admit causing his eyes to soften at me.

"Why would you lie to me?" His voice is low and sad which makes my heart ache a little.

"Because I wanted us to be good again and I thought saying a white lie would be okay because my period would come in a few days," I explain my reasoning.

"So what's wrong? Have you still not gotten it?" Harry asks.

"I went to the doctors today because I just wanted to know. And she told me I'm two months pregnant," I finally admit. "Almost three," I add.

Harry remains silent for a while and just looks at me. His face is confused and my hands are sweaty by his silence.

"Two months? How's the possible?" His eyebrows furrow.

"I was pregnant in January a-and I didn't realise it. My period that month was just me spotting," My breaths are turning shaky.

"Oh," Harry says, making me worry more. "So you're uh pregnant?" He asks, clarifying.

"Yes," I answer. My voice is low. He nods and doesn't say anything else. I can't read the look on his face which makes me feel sick. "What are you thinking?" I ask timidly.

"I'm just shocked," He says.

"Are we still okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah," Harry answers. "I just uh don't know what to say,"

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" I ask.

"Both because I'm seeming like an ass right now," He says. I bite my lip and look him in his eyes. They're soft still, which is good I guess.

Why isn't he freaking out? I was expecting him to yell at me.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask Harry.

"Why would I be mad at you?" He asks me.

"Because you don't want kids now and I'm pregnant," I say sadly. My eyes look away from his and to my feet.

I feel Harry's long arms wrap around my body and his head nuzzle against mine. His hands rest on my lower back and my tense body soon relaxes.

"I'm not mad," He says against me. "Just forget the part in my apology when I said in two years we can have kids," I snicker a little at his words.

"I'm sorry for lying," I say. I really do feel guilty that I lied.

"I understand why you did, Eve," Harry says in a low voice. "I'm not mad at that either," I bite my lip and nod against him. "So I guess we can't move into the new apartment,"

"Why?" I ask. My voice questioning.

"It's a one bedroom," Harry murmurs against me. I close my eyes against his chest.

"Yeah," I mumble. "We'll be alright?"

"Yeah," He answers.

"Thank you for not freaking out," I say.

"Thank you for going to the doctors," He says in a low voice. "I love you Eve,"

"I love you too Harry." We break away from our hug and his hands cup my cheeks. I feel his lips touch mine, making my body become fuzzy.

I'm secretly worried still.

He seems too calm about this all.

Maybe I'm just reading into this all too much. I just don't want Harry to keep his emotions bottled in.

I'd rather him yell now then when the baby is here.

It still hasn't hit me yet that I am pregnant and that I am going to be a Mom. I just hope everything will be alright between Harry and I.



I'm going to take a nap, I'll update later 2day most likely

Comment goal: 50???


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