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I didn't want to bother my Dad with us staying at his house, until we sort everything out with John, so I got a hotel room. Lately I feel like I've been using everyone for help, and I hate it.

They let us have the dogs with us because they knew who we were, oddly enough. The owner of the hotel is friends with Harry, which at this point I should already expect. Plus, he got his dog from the shelter I own, and loves him.

The hotel room is comfortable, which is nice because we might be staying here for a while.

Avery is sleeping on one of the beds the room holds. The dogs are in her bed, which makes me smile. I missed seeing them cuddle and missed seeing the dogs being protective of Avery.

I look down at my phone and check the time. It's been over two hours now and I'm starting to panic.

Harry texted me a half an hour ago saying he was finishing up. I haven't heard from since then and it's almost been an hour. He was supposed to here 30 minutes ago.

I dial his number but it goes to voicemail after a few rings. I text him endless amount of times, still no answer.

My chest is tight and my eyes are pinching with tears. I knew I shouldn't have left him there alone. I knew I should've stayed and helped.

I shake my head and feel loose tears roll down my cheeks. I check my phone again and see no text from Harry, nor call.

My teeth bite on my lower lip, and I feel a hard lump form in my throat making it hard for me to breath.

I should've stayed with him.


I think I've called Harry about a hundred times by now. Maybe even more. I know I spammed his phone with texts though.

It's seven o'clock at night and he isn't at the hotel yet. He was supposed to be here by two in the afternoon, it's seven at night now.

I called Liam and he said one out of the two cars is still in the driveway, the other is gone. That didn't help my nerves or fears that John did something to Harry.

Avery is still sleeping, but I know she'll be awake soon and be wondering why her Dad isn't here.

The more time goes on, the more the feeling of regret fills my chest for not pushing more with him coming here with us. Or me pushing more with me staying there with him to help.

My chest is tight and my mind thinks to the worst.

I need my husband now.


Small chapter sorryyyyy

Comment goal: 60???

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