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I've been home from the hospital for a few days now. Before I left they said the baby was fine and they told me to take it easy, which I've been trying to do.

Harry went out to the gym and I'm straightening up the hotel because that's what I do when I'm sad. I clean.

As I clean I just think. Soon a memory pops into my mind.

Eve POV {past}

John left to go to work a few minutes ago.

My cheek is still sore from him hitting me last night. Maybe when he comes back he'll act normal.

I'm cleaning right now because he doesn't like when the apartment is messy. So, I always make sure it's neat.

I'm in the kitchen now, making sure everything is fine before he comes home. I go into the cabinet where the medicine is and take some ibuprofen for the pain still lingering in my chest.

It says to take no more than four per six hours. I'm tempted to take more than the usual two that I always have. I shake the bottle until six pills rest in my hand. My thumb brushes over the orange pills in the palm of my hand.

My mind thinks back to my Mom and Charlie and how they died. I bite my lip and feel my eyes sting.

I put one pill back, leaving five in my hand. I push my thoughts away and take the pills in my hands. Maybe I'll feel better.

I put the bottle away and close the cabinet door.

Eve POV {present}

I break out of the memory, not wanting to remember those things that I did.

I hear the front door close and keys being placed somewhere. Footsteps make their way to me and I soon see Harry. He has his earbuds in.

"What are you doing out of bed?" He asks. He takes out his earbuds and looks at me.

"I wanted to walk around," I say.

"How long have you been out of bed for?"

"Ten-ish minutes," I admit. I put the sponge back in the sink and wipe my hands with a towel beside me.

I made an appointment for therapy to see if that will help me in any way. I haven't told Harry because I put too much of my shit on him and I don't want to smother him anymore with the things in my life.

He has his own problems that he's working on. He doesn't need to worry about whatever I need to do in therapy now. I was thinking on telling him after a few sessions.

"Have you eaten anything since breakfast?" Harry asks me.

"I had a granola bar," I say. It's one now and I got up at eight. After I ate breakfast I felt sick but it's good that I'm eating I suppose. My eyes break away from his and I play with the dish towel.

"I'm going to take a shower,"

"Okay," I murmur. Harry soon leaves the kitchen and I close my eyes.


It's Thursday afternoon and I'm at the dog shelter. It's my lunch break and I wanted to hangout with the dogs. I ate my lunch on the way here, so I'm good.

I'm playing with a German Shepard named Max who's only six months. He's cute and so loveable. I hope he gets adopted soon. I smile at the dog and rub behind his ears.

I like spending time here. It keeps me sane in a way. I like caring for the dogs because they deserve to be cared for. It also makes me sad because they all should have homes. I try to hangout with all of them when I'm here. I know when people visit they don't give certain dogs attention, so I make sure I do.

The dog on my lap cuddles himself into my chest making my heart awe. I kiss the top of his head and smile gently. It's an actual smile that I haven't done in days.

Tomorrow after work I'm volunteering at the foster centre. I want to start getting back into the groove of doing the things that I like and make me feel good. I don't like thinking about my problems. I always made sure not to because I don't need to feel bad for myself. I like to worry about other people and help them. It makes me feel good, in my own odd way.

"I gotta get back to work now," I say to Max who's on my lap still. The German Shepard is in a ball making me and I pout. "I don't want to leave either,"

I pick him up and kiss his cheek. As I stand he starts whining which makes my eyes water. I start fanning my face so I don't cry. I hate how hormonal I am lately. I step out of his pen thing and look at him once more. His ears are down and his head is tilted at me. My heart breaks into a million pieces.

I look away from the dog and walk towards the exit. I frown as I leave the building.


I'm home now.

Harry was telling me that we're going to start moving our stuff into the house soon. This means we have to go to our old apartment and finally pack.

"Harry?" I ask him as we're on the couch watching TV.

"Yes," His eyes look to me.

"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting recently," I say timidly.

His head tilts at me. "I've acted worse at times," I feel his hand slip on top of mine.

"If you feel like I'm too much can you let me know?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks me with a confused look.

"If I'm too much to handle. I know you have your own problems that you need to work through and I want that to be the main thing you worry about. I don't want to smother you with my own shit and you start worrying about me more than yourself. Because I don't want that to happen," I say.

"You're not too much Eve," Harry says. "We both have our own fair share of issues and I want to be there to help you as you were to help me,"

"What did I help you with? If anything I made you hate your family more," I say. His eyes look into mine.

"You made me believe that I could love again. On Elena's birthday you were by me the whole day so I wasn't alone, same with Jane's birthday, and the day they died. You always ask me after my therapy sessions how did it go and if there is anything I need to work on through the week, that my therapist wants me to do so we can do it together.

When I was stressed with all my meetings in January you would give me advice on how to calm down or you would just hold me tightly and that would ease my nerves. In the beginning of our relationship you were so patient with me and never complained on how slow we were going. And you always asked how I'm doing and if I needed to talk; and I knew you meant it because you always asked. The list goes on honestly but it's just the small things you so that make it a big thing. You always help me and it's my turn to help you,"

His eyes are looking at me and they're gentle. "I just don't want you to feel obligated to even help me," I say in a low murmur. "Because I still worry about you and what you have problems with,"

"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, Eve," Harry says. His eyes look into mine. I feel his lips touch mine. It's a long kiss that makes my body fuzzy. My head presses against his chest and his arms hug around me.

I just don't want him to grow sick of me, that's my biggest fear.

"I love you Harry," I say against him.

"I love you too," His lips kiss the top of my head.



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