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this is how i imagine the nursery ^^



I stand in the doorway of our daughters room just staring. Harry finished up her room a few days ago. He redid the floors himself, painted the walls himself, and even installed a mini chandelier himself. 

Did that turn me on?


Was I surprised?

Hell yes.

I was assuming he was going to hire someone like he usually does. But, I was wrong. I came home from hanging out with Kris to him redoing the floors. It was originally carpet but he put wood in. I didn't question him or anything, I was too shocked to say anything.

He painted the walls a pale grey, which we agreed on. The crib, chair, changing table and dresser are white that matches the room well. Harry put a rug in the middle of her room that is a lightish pink that looks well and I like. 

I was surprised that when the room was finished everything was matching and looked amazing. I feel bad for assuming what Harry was doing wasn't going to look nice at the end, but I thought he knew nothing about decorating since he was upset with me wanting to get throw pillows. 

I feel Harry's arms slip around my body and his lips kiss my cheek. "How are you doing?" He asks me.

I'm currently eight months along. I feel like I'm carrying heavy weights on me all the time. I thought having swollen boobs on my period was bad. Oh how I was wrong.

"I'm swell," I answer. "You?"

"Swell," He says to me. I smile at his answer and strokes his knuckles. "Did I do okay with the room?"

"You did amazing," I compliment. "Did you get help with the decoration?" 

"No," Harry tells me. "But I did look at some magazines," He admits to me. "The only thing that inspired me from the magazines was the rug and chandelier," 

"Well, I love it," I say honestly. 

"Why don't you go sit down now?" I turn around and face my boyfriend.

"I'm only eight months," I say with a chuckle.

"But, that's close to nine months which is close to your delivery date," Harry tells me, making me smile.

"Okay, I'll sit," I don't want to make him a more nervous than he seems to be lately. We walk to our bedroom and I sit down on our bed. 

"We haven't picked out a name for her," I bring up to Harry who sits across from me.

"Yeah," He chuckles. "Is there any names you like?" 

"Um," I pause for a few moments. I haven't really thought about any names. "No, you?" I ask.

"No I haven't thought of any good ones," Harry admits to me. "Victoria?"

"No," I say. "I got bullied by a girl named Victoria in high school," I admit to Harry who frowns. "Plus, I hate that name," I add causing him to chuckle.

I try to think of names but nothing is coming into mind. "Alice," He says. "You told me your favorite movie was Alice in Wonderland, so um, we can use the name Alice," Harry says.

"You remembered that?" I ask.

"Of course. I remember a lot of things," He gives me a smug smile.

"Should we have a few names just in case she doesn't look like an Alice?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," He says causing me to chuckle. "Elise? Is that a good name?"

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