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I wake up to Avery already out of bed. Usually when she wakes up, she wakes me. But this morning she didn't.

I remember falling asleep at five in the morning. I glance to the clock beside me and see it's eight. Wow, three hours of sleep.

I get out of bed slowly and close my eyes. I rest my hand on my bump and press my fingers where I feel him kick. I like that Harry and I are having a son. We have a matching set now. One girl, and one boy.

I head downstairs slowly and walk into the den where I hear the TV on. I see Avery on the couch with a familiar pillow in her arms. A familiar grey hoodie is also over small body as well. I look to the movie playing and see it's Beauty and The Beast, again. The pillow is Harry's and so is the hoodie.

I sit besides my daughter slowly and rest my hand on top of hers. Her eyes are on the screen, and she looks overall sad. I kiss her cheek, causing her to look at me. "I miss Daddy," Avery says with welled up eyes.

"I know," I say while stroking her curls. Her head buries into my chest, making my heart sting.

A sob leaves my daughters lips making tears fall out of my eyes. I bite my lip, to refrain anymore tears. I stroke my daughters hair and let her cry into me.

I really need him to wake up.

Harry POV

I stand in a familiar house.

I don't know exactly what house it is, but I know it's familiar to me. I look around the kitchen, trying to figure it out.

Can I walk around? Or am I dreaming?

I start walking around slowly, confused to why I'm here, alone. I look out out the glass door in the kitchen and lay eyes on a swing set.

I'm in my old house Jane and I used to live in. My eyebrows knot then relax. A presence of a body comes next to me, making me stiffen. I'm supposed to be what? Sleeping? And I feel someone beside me. Maybe it's the new owners of the house.

I glance beside me and see Jane. My heart drops and my eyes pinch. "J-Jane?" I manage to say.

"Hello," She grins sweetly. Her brown eyes look into mine, and they look gentle and happy. Her brown hair is in her usual messy bun, and she's wearing the last outfit I saw her in, which is leggings and a tee shirt that is black.

"H-How can I see you? Am I-I dead?" I ask.

"No, not dead. In the middle though," My late wife says. She leans against the counter in the kitchen and continues to smile. "How's life?"

"I-I don't know. Good? What day is it?" I ask.

"December 17th," Jane answers causing my eyes to widen. "Yeah I know, you need to get your shit together and wake up."

I open my mouth to speak, but close it. I wanted to ask how Eve is doing but I feel too weird to ask. "Eve is doing terrible," Jane reads my mind. "So is Avery, so uh what are you doing? You're letting your body shut down and Liam is giving you a kidney to help," She informs me.

"How has it been five months? I remember yesterday being shot," My brain is pounding and I feel sick.

"You're in a coma, of course you can't remember. Plus, the more your body gets worse the more you get to hangout with me, and stalk people who are alive. But, you're not there yet so you can only be in our house. Mean while I can roam freely, cool right?" I stare at my late wife like she's insane. "Harry, I've been dead for years. I got to make something out of it," Her shoulders shrug and my eyes pinch.

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