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It's Friday afternoon and I'm putting away some laundry.

Ava is taking her nap now, so this is my time to do some chores, and relax a bit. My daughter is in the middle of the bed sleeping peacefully, which makes me smile.

I borrowed one of Harry's shirts a few nights ago to sleep in, so I'm putting it back where I got it.

I open his top drawer and put his white shirt back in his other piles.

I miss him. I'm so used to sleeping beside Harry or seeing him everyday. I get sad when we hang up because I just want to be with him.

My eyes look back down to his drawer and my eyes come across and small box. My head tilts at the box and my eyebrows furrow. It's small square shape and it is a felt feeling as well as black.

I assume it's something for Avery, but why would he keep it in his tee shirt pile like he's hiding it?

I close his drawer and try to forget what I saw. It might be one of his old ring boxes for his rings, since he wears them.

I lay down besides my daughter and watch her as she sleeps. I stroke her curls and kiss the top of her head. I'm so in love with her it makes me tear up sometimes.

I rub her back with my thumb and continue watching her as she sleeps.

Harry POV

On Wednesday Daren came to Arizona to hangout with Liam and I on our "guys week".

Liam also invited his friend Ben, who I don't know. He says he's known Ben for years now and wanted him to join us.

I was fine with having Ben hangout with us, but I don't like him. I don't know why, but I just get this odd feeling around him.

Since Ben has been here Liam has been more focused on hanging out with him than Daren and I, which I find semi rude.

It's Friday evening now and Ben and Liam went golfing while Daren and I went gambling.

"Ben seems like a cool dude," Daren says to me. I glance to him.

"He seems like a dick," I say.

"You're just saying that because Liam is hanging out with him and not you," My friend laughs.

"Am not," I scoff. "He can hangout with whomever he pleases, why would I care?"

"I don't know. Ben seems really cool though," I roll my eyes at his comment and put my cards down. I won this set and smile. I grab the chips in the middle of the table and bring it closer towards me. "How's Avery?"

"Good. She's finally getting along with Eve, which is a relief," I say with a grin. I look back to Daren who's staring at me. "What?" I ask.

"How are you and Eve? Good?"

"Why is it whenever I bring her up you suddenly change your attitude?" I ask my friend.

"Because you're dating my little sister,"

"She's 26 now, Daren," I say.

"She's still my baby sister in my eyes," He defends. "I just wish you would tie the knot already," Daren shrugs.

"I bought a ring a while ago, but I don't like it so I'm going to exchange it," I admit with a shrug.

"What's wrong with the ring?" He asks me.

"It's too small--like the diamond is too small. And I want to wait until Liam is already married and her friend Kris is. If I propose now it wouldn't seem as special, you know?"

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