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I woke up at seven to pee.

I also woke up at twelve, one, three, and five in the morning to pee as well.

I sit back down on the bed and let out a deep breath. The room is silent which is odd.

I get out of bed and walk over to Doug who isn't snoring like he usually does. I sit down besides him and rub his back.

His eyes don't open or anything. He doesn't even move. My heart starts to pound and my eyes burn with tears. "Harry," I say loudly. He doesn't wake up. I take a throw pillow that is on the floor and throw it at him.

He wakes up and groans. "What?" His tired self says.

"Doug isn't waking up," I say in a panic. He sits up and looks at me.

"What do you mean?" His eyebrows are furrowed.

"He's not waking up. And he's not snoring like he always does," My eyes start to well up more.
Harry gets out of bed and sits down beside me. He shakes our dog a little. His eyes still don't open. "Is he even breathing?" I ask.

"I don't think so," His green eyes look at me. "I uh, think he died Eve."

"He can't be dead, he's only seven years old. He was fine yesterday a-and was happy," Tears start to roll down my cheeks. "He was all alone when he died Harry how are you calm? He wasn't even on the bed with us,"

"Eve, you're putting stress on the baby by crying," Harry warns me.

I look at Doug who is no longer alive. The tears keep rolling down my cheeks and my breaths are shaky.

I don't want to sleep in a silent room. I want to hear his stupid snores still and I want him fitting in between Harry and I in the middle of the night or even on the couch when we're relaxing. I wanted him to be with us until he was meant to go.

"What if he fell of the bed and died that way?" I ask.

"We'll take him to the vet hospital and see what they can tell us, okay?" I'm still crying and his eyes are glossy. "I need you to stop crying though,"

"Our dog is dead and you want me to stop crying?" I ask.

"I don't want our baby to die too, so you need to stop," His eyes look into mine. I bite my lip and try to calm myself down. Thinking about not seeing Doug anymore makes my eyes water again and my tears start to go roll down my cheeks more.

Cramps start to hit my body causing me to groan and cry harder from pain. Harry moves closer to me quickly and rests his hand on my lower back. "Eve, please stop crying," I bite my lip to refrain any more sobs. The feeling of knots still remain in my stomach. The pain makes me groan and whimper.

His hand rests on my stomach and my head presses against his shoulder. "Take deep breaths," Harry says. I close my eyes and take deep breaths. The cramps go away soon and my eyes remain damp and glossy.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asks me.

"Okay," I answer. His hand is still on my stomach and my head is still pressed against his chest.

"Please don't work yourself up again,"

"I'll try," I say.

"Eve, I'm being serious, don't cry anymore." His voice is tense. I nod against him and bite my lip. I detach myself from his shoulder and see his eyes are worried and gloomy still.

"I'm going to put on some pants then we'll take Doug in."

"I should get changed too," I say.

"I'll help you get up," He says. His hand rests on my lower back and he helps me stand up. "Do you still feel fine?"

"Yeah," I say.

"Okay, just sit down on the bed, I'll grab your leggings," He tells me. I nod and sit on the edge of the mattress.

Harry goes to the dresser near my side of the bed and grabs my pair of leggings and socks. "Do you want a new shirt?"

"No, I'm good," He nods and hands me my clothing.

We both change then take Doug to the animal hospital.


We wait in the waiting area as they run an autopsy on Doug who they declared dead as soon as they checked him out in the ER type thing they have.

At least he didn't die in a pound alone with no love.

It's silent between Harry and as we wait. My hands are on my lap and my mind is is on how I wish I could have noticed something was wrong with Doug during my many time of me peeing.

"I don't like Gemma or my Mom because they didn't go to the hospital when I told them Elena and Jane died," I hear Harry say to me. My eyes look at him. "The only ones that showed up for me was Liam and Daren and that was because they were the only ones that answered the phone. Gemma and my Mother were sleeping and still didn't answer my voicemail the next morning, or the morning after that.

Robin came the following morning but he didn't speak to me. He just went because his daughter died. Gemma's excuse was that she was out of state. She was in Pennsylvania though and "didn't know I left a voicemail". My Mom wanted to give Robin space even though I needed her then and wanted her to go. I saw her at the funeral and that's when she told me that she didn't want to respond to my message to "give me space". And she made it seem like the accident was my fault when it wasn't," Harry tells me.

My eyes are looking at him and they're soft. He looks at me then looks forward. I rest my hand on top of his.

"Thank you for telling me," I say softly.

Now I feel like an asshole for yesterday. If I knew this before I wouldn't have been pushing him to hangout with his family or anything ever. I would've left it alone because I now understand why he doesn't like them. I just feel even more worse now that I was pushing it in the first place.

"I'm sorry for not letting it go," I say to Harry.

"You shouldn't be saying sorry. I'm the one who didn't tell you," He tells me. His green eyes look over at me.

"I should've still dropped it," I murmur sadly. "I'm sorry for always over stepping," I say.

"Eve, you're not over stepping, okay?" His arms hook around me. "I didn't tell you and that's my fault because I'm a closed off asshole,"

"Can we both agree we were wrong then?"

"Okay," Harry settles. His fingers stroke my lower back and his lips kiss my cheek. "Your jokes were a little funny by the way,"

"Thanks," I snicker. I pull away from his chest and wipe my eyes.

"Should you go to the doctors to make sure the baby is okay?" He asks me.

"I don't know, should I?" I ask.

"Can you?" His eyes look into mine. "Just to be on the safe side,"

I bite my lip and nod. My eyes look to the vet who's walking over to us. My hand rests on top of Harry's and she gives us the results.

"It seems like Doug had a heart attack in his sleep," She tells us. Her voice is soft but my eyes sting.

"So, he wasn't in any pain?" I ask.

"He wasn't," She says. I bite my lip and nod.

She goes into more depth on how this happened. I don't know what the hell shes talking about but I got what I needed to know.

I'm going to miss my pug. He was my first pet and was the most loving thing.

I miss him already.



I still can't sleep and it's nearly 5 a.m

So enjoy another update

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