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I've started therapy again.

It's been three weeks since I started, and I feel the same. I would feel different if my relationship my daughter was different.

She's still acting the way she is, and I doubt that will change for a long time.

Usually I just rant to my therapist about how I just want to hug Avery and play with her. Or how I wish I could skip ahead a few years so she can need me.

I haven't drank since my first time at the restaurant with Kris. I don't find having hangovers worth the drinks that I can or could consume.

The only weird thing was that the next day after my hangover, I wanted the Long Island ice tea again. But I had some water and that craving went away and never came back.

I'm in the living room playing with Max currently. At least he wants attention from me.

I see Harry walk in with Ava in his arms. A wide smile is on his face and he kisses her puffy cheek. I look back to Max and toss the ball up in the air.

"I have to go to Arizona next week," He tells me while sitting in the couch.

"Oh, why?" I ask.

"Meetings," Harry mumbles.

"How long will you be gone for?" I ask my boyfriend. I look at him now.

"A week," He says.

"Are you taking Avery?" I ask. His eyebrows knot at my words.

"Why would I take her with me?"

"Because she'll be with me, and we all know how that's been going," I say. I'm not ready for the never ending crying. I don't even think it's worth being alone with her for a week.

"Maybe this will bring you guys together," I look to my daughter who's staring at the toy in her hand. "I'll try to come home as early as I can,"

"Okay," I might have my Dad watch her if she cries for days straight, if that's possible. Or even having someone come over that she likes so she can stop crying will do.

She's gotten a little bigger, which makes me sad because I'm not part of her life it feels like. I haven't been through her milestones and when I try she pushes me out.

My eyes stare at Ava who looks amused by her toy. I just want to hold her and act like a Mom. I know I keep saying that, but it's the truth.

"I'm going to go food shopping," I say while standing. I might as well make myself productive. "Do you need anything that's not on the list?"

"Nope," Harry says. Ava looks at me now. Her eyes are soft which makes me smile gently.


I lay in bed the same night just thinking. I shouldn't feel this overwhelmed about being alone with my daughter for a week, but I am.

Since Harry told me he's leaving for a week, I haven't been able to think straight. All I can think about is the crying I'm going to have to go through.

My boyfriend gets into bed and moves closer towards me. My thoughts leave my mind and I press my head against his chest. His arms wrap around me tightly and Harry kisses my cheek.

"How are you going?" He asks, his voice sounds low and soft.

"Alright," I mumble. "You?

"I'm alright," Harry says. His lips touch the top of my head causing my body to relax a bit more. "How's therapy going?"

"It's okay," I say. "Do you still go?"

"Sometimes. But I mostly discuss my control issues and shit," He tells me. I chuckle against his chest.

"How's that going?"

"Eh, it's hard. I like being in control," Harry shrugs.

"I know," I say in a mumble. Harry snickers and holds me tighter. "Eve?"


"I love you," He says. I smile and I press my head against his chest more.

"I love you more," I say.

"No you don't, I love you more," Harry argues. I laugh.

"This conversation is becoming cringy," He chuckles against me and holds me more. Our legs intertwine with one another and my hand rests on his lower back.

"I know you and Ava aren't on the best terms and you're having a rough time with her, but I just wanna say thank you for carrying Avery for nine months. I think, besides you, she's the best thing that's happened in my life. I love her so much and I have you to thank for that," My eyes sting at his words and my heart warms. I break away from his chest and look up at him.

"I think you should thank the condom that broke," I joke causing him to smile. Harry leans in and kisses me. His hand rests on my cheek and his lips feel good against mine. It's a long, yet delicate kiss that makes me feel bubbly in the inside.

I go back to resting my head on his chest and I close my eyes.



Idk what else to put lmao

ty for reading!

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