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Max has been home for two days now.

When I took him home on Wednesday I cried. They were tears of joy of course, I just was happy that he was mine officially and he had a home.

Harry likes Max. I saw them cuddling last night on the couch which made me smile.

It's Friday evening and Harry and I are in the living room or "den" if you will.

He said he's going to go with me to my Dad's tomorrow, so that's when we'll be telling him I'm pregnant.

I look over at Harry who is staring at the TV. Max is at the end of the couch eating a bone that I got him.

"Can we talk?" I ask my boyfriend.

"What about?" He pauses his show and looks over at me.

I pull the throw blanket up to my chin and look at him. "I miss our alone time," I finally say.

"We're having alone time now," Harry says with knotted eyebrows.

"Alone time," I repeat.

"Max is over there chilling, so we're still alone," My eyebrows knot at him.

"Our time," I rephrase it.

Harry makes an 'oh' face. "You could've said sexy time,"

"That's not the point," I mumble. "I'm just very hormonal right now and sometimes I have needs," I say causing a smile to appear on his lips. "We haven't had sex in two months you know," I bring up.

"I know,"

"Is it because you don't find me appealing anymore?" I ask.

"No, I still very much find you appealing," Harry moves closer to me. "It's just that last month you were on a verge of having a miscarriage. I wasn't thinking about our alone time because I didn't want something to happen, you know?" I nod. His lips kiss my cheek. "I'm sorry if it seemed like I didn't want to have sex with you again because you're pregnant,"

"Can we have our alone time later?" Harry snickers at my sentence and nods. His lips touch mine and my head rests on his shoulder.

We go back to watching TV after our small conversation.


It's Saturday evening now and Harry and I just arrived to my Dad's house to babysit.

I ring the door bell and wait a few moments. The door soon opens with my Dad behind it. A friendly smile is on his mouth and he opens the wooden door wider for Harry and I fit.

He greets me with a hug and gives Harry one of those handshakes.

I soon see a woman appear. She has long brown hair and soft brown eyes. "Hi! I'm Zoe," Her voice is peppy and a wide smile is on her lips. Her hand extends out to mine and I shake it.

"Hello, I'm Eve," I say with a friendly grin. "This is my boyfriend Harry," Zoe shakes Harry's hand and my Dad looks at me.

I glance to Harry who looks at me. I don't know if I should say something now. Harry reads the message on my face and nods.

"Dad, uh before you guys go, we kind of wanted to tell you something," I say through an awkward sentence.

"Okay, what's up?" A smile is still on his lips. My heart starts thumping more quickly.

I don't reply for a moment before I'm nervous. "I'm uh, pregnant," I finally say.

My Dad doesn't say anything for a few moments which makes my nerves rack up. "You're pregnant?" He asks, clarifying.

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