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I remain silent for a few moments. Thoughts just flood into my mind.

My Dad has a daughter.

He's had another daughter for four years.

I don't know how I should feel about this. I don't even know what I should even say. I've always thought of my family as one of the best things in my life. Knowing that these past four years my Dad has had another child ruins that thought of mine. It's not the actual child that ruins that, it's that he kept this secret from me.

"How long have Daren and them known?" I ask.

"I told them two years ago," My father informs me. I remain silent and just bite down on my jaw. Anger rises in me.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Yes," He replies.

"Is there something wrong with you?" I ask casually causing his eyebrows to furrow.

"What?" He asks. His face looks confused.

"Is there something wrong with you?" I ask. "You've been keeping your four year old daughter away from me for what reason? Why couldn't you be a fucking adult and tell me you've been with someone for years? Years!" I exclaim. "And you told your sons before me? Everyone fucking knew before me!" My voice is loud.

"I didn't know how to tell you," He says.

"You say 'hey Eve. I have a daughter, would you like to meet her?'. Look how simple," I spit. "I'm told I'm quite a nice person and you make me out to be a selfish prick. Why wouldn't I enjoy the fact that I'm an older sister? Yeah, I may be 24 now, but it doesn't mean I'd hate knowing the kid." I pause. "Oh, I'm 25 now, I forgot like you," I bring up causing his eyes to turn gloomy.

"I'm sorry, Eve."

"No you're not. If you were you would've told me when she was 2. What's even her name?"

"Lexi," My Father answers.

"Do you like the fact that you have two separate families or something?"

"No, I just didn't want you to blow up like this,"

"If you told me you had a girlfriend five years ago I wouldn't have," I say like it's obvious. "You know the only one who never fucking treated me like a child was Charlie and he's fucking dead. Why can't all of you stop looking at me like someone with issues,"

My Father stares at me. His eyes are hinting. "Being in an abusive relationship does not mean I have automatic issues, okay? And if I did you wouldn't have noticed anyways,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" My Dad asks.

"You were too busy with your perfect family to notice that I wasn't happy with John," I finally say. "How could not notice the healing bruises on my arms? I purposely wore short sleeves here so someone would notice I needed help," My eyes sting.

"You looked happy a-and normal to me. If I saw that there was something wrong I would've said something," His eyes look into mine. "And don't say perfect family."

"Is one of her kids dead? Is Zoe dead? Is she close to losing her house? Do they have cable and new clothes?" I list. My Father remains silent. "Then that's your perfect family. Just add your three normal kids and everything is fine."

"Stop talking like that Eve,"

"What? I doubt any of your perfect sons had to call up asking for money to pay rent. Compared to them I'm the failure of the family." My Dad's eyes are welled up. "Do me a favor, and don't speak to me. I don't want to hear from any of you. I'll send you a check of how much money you've given me in the past,"

"Eve-" I cut him off.

"No, I'm paying you back the amount I've asked from you in whole. That's the only thing you have over me," After that I leave the kitchen.

I don't walk to the dining room where my brothers are. I head to the living room where I see Harry and Logan finishing the board game.

The first person that see's me is Harry. His eyes look at me then back to Logan. I mouth 'finish the game' to my boyfriend. He nods and goes back to playing monopoly with my nephew.


I'm in bed now. I face the way my dresser is and have the blankets around me tightly.

I feel Harry's body press against mine and his lips kiss my neck. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks me. I shake my head 'no'.

"Was I talking loud?" I ask.

"When you started to swear I took Logan to the other room to finish the game," I close my eyes and bite my lip.

"I just feel like everything now is a lie," I end up admitting. "He's kept that part away from me for years."

"Do you think you'll forgive him?" Harry asks me.

"I don't know," I murmur. "First my own Dad forgets my Birthday and now I find out he has a four year old daughter. We used to call each other three times a week when I moved to the city because I was homesick a lot. Or he'd be the person I'd call asking what I should have for lunch. Now I feel like I don't know him." Harry's grip on me tightens on me.

"He messed up by not telling you, and forgetting your birthday. But I know how much your Dad means to you. I think you'd regret cutting him off completely."

"I don't know. Then now I have selfish thoughts and I don't like it," I say with a shrug.

"Like?" Harry asks.

I don't reply for a few moments. "I liked being the only girl because I knew I was his favorite. Now I just feel pushed to the side. The only reason why I thought he was acting weird lately was because he wouldn't call me for two weeks. Or when I'd call he wouldn't answer.

Then when were on the phone he was very short because he was busy," I say. Sadness fills my chest. "I know sounds stupid. I'm 25 and care that my Dad doesn't answer my calls. But he's my only parent and until I met Kris he's been my only friend. No one else wanted to talk to me in high school. I hated asking for money for rent and now I'm living off of my boyfriend,"

Harry kisses my cheek and hugs me tightly. "Stop it Eve. You're not living off of me. But, you have every right to feel the way you do. Anyone would feel replaced just knowing that they have another sibling and not knowing. I just hate seeing you sad,"

I turn around and face Harry. He strokes my cheek and leans in and kisses me. "I love you Eve,"

"I love you too," I press my head against his chest. "I'm sorry for dumping all my shit onto you,"

"You're not," His fingers run through my hair. "I'm glad you can talk to me about these things,"

I don't say anything. I just hold onto him more and screw my eyes shut. I eventually fall asleep.



is anyone interesting in me adding eve's brothers / father to the cast ??? lemme knoww

comment goal: 50?? that would be cool if we got that!

it's chapter 3 of the new book and it's already heated lmao


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