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When Harry left the hospital room, my Dad entered. He greeted me with a hug and sat where Harry once did. The nurses took our nameless daughter to get weighed and checked on.

Twenty or so minutes after my Dad came into my room, my brothers came. For now it was just them, they told me they didn't want their kids to come considering how late it is and how tired I am.

They held her and cried which make me tear up. My mind still remains on Harry and where he went and what was going through his mind.

My family left a few minutes ago but told me they were going to drop by in the morning. Now it's just me and my daughter who is in her little clear crib thing beside me. My eyes are on her and my hand strokes her cheek. Her eyes close and I retreat my hand from her crib to let her sleep peacefully.

It's been a few hours since Harry left. He said he'd come back, but I don't know when or if he will.

I hear the hospital door open and I look, expecting a nurse but I just see Harry with a brown paper bag. I lay back down and look to the baby I just gave birth to.

Harry walks over to me and places the bag down on the table beside me. "I uh, went to that one burger place you like because you said you wanted a cheese burger so I got you one. That's what took me so long because it was in the city," He rambles on his words and I bite my lip. I'm not facing him still, I don't know what to say or if I should say anything.

My emotions are all fucked up. I'm sad and mad. I'm sad that he broke down now, I'm mad that he didn't even look at her.

"Eve, please look at me," Harry says. His voice is low and shaky. I shake my head 'no' as I feel my eyes sting. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I-I was just in my thoughts and flashbacks and got too overwhelmed," He stops speaking causing the room to go silent. "I'm sorry,"

I look to Harry who has visibly sad eyes. His teeth are biting down on his lip and he's looking at me. "You didn't even look at her Harry," I say. "I understand that you feel the way you do, okay? I know it's hard for you a-and I get that. But that was supposed to be our moment. We were supposed to be the first ones that held her a-and enjoyed her first moments alive. But it was only be that held her and enjoyed her first moments.

You haven't even held our daughter that's been alive for hours now. You left five minutes after she was born, Harry. It's hard to be mad at you because I know why you needed to leave for a few hours and I know why you needed to collect yourself. But it's hard not to be mad because you don't even know what she looks like. We haven't even named her because you didn't see her yet,"

His green eyes are welled up and tears look to be leaving his eyes any moments. "I," He stops speaking and glances away from me. "I'm sorry Eve, please forgive me. I-I don't know what happened to me o-or why I couldn't even look at her," His voice is shaky. His green eyes look into mine making my heart pinch.

I see the regret in his eyes. I see the sadness, the anxiety, and basically everything he's feeling, I can see on his face. His lip starts to quiver and a sob leaves his mouth making my eyes sting and well up automatically.

I hate seeing him cry. It makes my body ache and my heart shatter. Whenever he cries it's painful to see. I sit up more in my hospital bed.

"I'm sorry for ruining everything, I-" He stops speaking to calm himself down. "I didn't want this to happen o-or anything and I'm sorry," His eyes begin to well up again. He looks down to his hands and my eyes burn with tears. "Please, don't hate me Eve,"

"Do you actually want to be a Dad, Harry?" I ask timidly.

"I do," He says. His green eyes look to me. "I-I know the way I acted earlier didn't seem like it but I really want to be in her life a-and be a Dad again,"

Happily Ever After (sequel to CEO)Where stories live. Discover now