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We stand in the hallway across from each other, silent for a few moments.

"Can we talk?" Harry asks me. His voice is low but soft.

"Yeah," I mumble back. We might as well talk now rather than a few days.

"I uh," He pauses. "I'm going to try to refrain from saying sorry, because I say that a lot. But um, me saying how I feel could've gone better, I know. I uh, didn't want to even say anything about you making me unhappy, if you even are. I just feel unhappy and annoyed all the time. Was it smart of me to think it was you? No. I think I just blamed you because we were in an argument and I just--I don't know. I'm just a cluster fuck right now. It's probably the medicine screwing me up and me not being able to work. I know it's not an excuse though, so please don't think I'm trying to come up with them," Harry says. He rambles towards the end.

"The argument was based on you saying I don't make you happy," I say. "I'm far from perfect. I know that I'm annoying, sometimes needy, stupid, careless meaning I don't think about anything I just do what I feel is right in the moment, but I regret my choice later, and the list goes on; but I've never said that you make me unhappy, when there are many things that can easily make me upset that you do. If you've felt that was for a long time, you should've said something earlier rather than starting an argument,"

"Two months ago I was fine," Harry says. "Since Arizona I've been messed up and I don't know why, I doubt everyone and everything in my life, and I don't know what's been making me sad. My brain is just foggy and slow, and I don't know what's going on half the time,"

"If you feel like that you should stop taking your anti anxiety medicine, don't you think?"

"It's either I act like this or become a controlling asshole again," He says.

"Either way you're an asshole," I mumble.

"Thanks," Harry says. Silence overcomes us again. I would bring up how earlier today I was acting more annoying because my period was about to happen, but I rather not. He should know by now when my period is about to come and how emotional I get by the easiest things. "I need you Eve,"

"You need the thought of me to keep you sane," I say to him. I look back to Harry who's staring at me. "Yes, fine, I have OCD, and I'm not easy to get along with. Instead of acting like a twenty six year old woman, I act fifteen when it comes down to us. I have stupid high expectations and expect my future to look like the ones in movies, but you only say you need me when you feel like you're going to lose me. You actually need me? Why? Because I make you forget about Jane?" I ask honestly.

"No, because I love you," My eyes glance away from him once I see him become worked up. "I know I don't always show affection o-or even act like I love you but I do. I have my own stupid way of showing it. You've given me so much Eve, a-and I can't be without you,"

"Maybe my purpose in your life was to just show you love exists again and the new love of your life is out there," I come up with. My eyes sting at my own words.

Harry shakes his head. "I've already met her and her name is Eve. She has slight OCD and loves dogs more than people most of the time," I bite my lip at his words and look at him. "I need you Eve. And I'm sorry I can't act like a good boyfriend who is normal. But I'm willing to do anything to make us good again. Go food shop and clean as much as your heart desires. We can start date night again a-and start a new TV series that we binge watch together like how we used to,"

"You should want to do those things with me because you want too, not because you want to keep me," I say in a soft voice.

"I do want to do those things," He says. His eyes look worried though. "Please? We can work through whatever is we're going through,"

Happily Ever After (sequel to CEO)Where stories live. Discover now