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It's mid January now and I'm back at work.

I liked lounging around at home, but I did miss the routine of waking up early and going to work.

I'm currently giving out paperwork and such to my supervisors. I've read over all of them and corrected what I needed to be for the authors. These are like the edited contracts. "Is Mr. Payne here today?" I ask Susan at the front desk.

"No, he's at a meeting with Mr. Horan out of the office. Mr. Styles is in his here though," A twitching smile goes on her lips causing me to bite my lip.

"Okay, thank you," I say. She nods and I walk away.

I try to avoid going to Harry during the work day. I don't want it to seem like I'm going to him on purpose or because he "favors" me, which I know he doesn't.

I gently knock on his office door and hear a muffled 'it's open'. I walk in and see Harry typing on his computer. Creases are on his forehead and he overall looks busy and stressed.

"Sorry to bother you, um can you give these to Mr. Payne? Him and Mr. Horan are in a meeting," I ramble a little.

"You can't give it to him when they're done?" His eyes look up at me.

"The meeting is out of the office. The papers will go to you anyways because he has to give it to you," I say.

"You give the papers to Mr. Payne who checks over it, then he gives it to me. When he gives it to me I know it's all right and correct. Giving it to me, to give to him, so it can go back to me, ruins that process. Do you understand?" 

"You can go by my word," I say.

"I'd rather not, you're still new to negotiating contracts. The one you have now is like the draft. When Mr. Payne looks over it and fixes what needs to be fixed, it turns into the actual contract. Then when I have it, it's good to go," Harry explains. "Now, is there anything else you need or can I get back to my job?" 


"Sorry for wasting your time," I mutter. I walk away and roll my eyes. 


I'm packing up to leave for the day. It's six o'clock in the evening now, and Harry put me in a bad mood all day. 

I look up when I hear footsteps walking over to me. I see it's Harry. His face looks tense.


"You left the contracts on Mr. Payne's desk," He says. His voice is scolding.

"Yes," I say. 

"I said to give it to him, not leave it on his desk." Harry says with semi wide eyes.

"What's the difference? He's not here still so I left it on his desk for the morning," I say.

"You keep it until the morning then so you can give it to him in person. He'll see a stack of papers on his desk tomorrow and put them to the side when we need to mail them out asap." His green eyes are staring into mine.

"I did try to give it to you," I mention. His eyebrow raises at me.

"Do you like your job?" Harry asks. I remain silent and scowl my eyes at him. "That's what I thought. What you do wrong, you correct. I don't need your back talk. I told you to give it to him not give it to his desk. Are your ears broken?" 

"I'll give them to him in the morning," I say.

"No, you've done enough. Next time I'll tell Mr. Payne to give the contracts to someone more trustworthy." After that Harry walks away and I mumble curse words under my breath.

Happily Ever After (sequel to CEO)Where stories live. Discover now