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I'm woken up in the middle of the night to Avery crying. I sit up in bed and wipe my eyes. A few moments later, I see Harry wake up from her crying.

"Did you want me to get her?" He asks me. His voice is low and raspy sounding which causes goosebumps to rise on my skin.

"Yeah," I murmur. She'll just cry more with me anyways. I won't help, I never do. Harry gets out of bed and leaves our room.

I lay back down and try to resume my sleep. My eyes close but all I can think about is Avery and if she's alright or needs anything. She probably just wanted to be held or changed, which Harry of course can handle.

I soon feel the other side of the bed dented. I turn my body over and see Harry with our daughter. "She just wanted attention," He says through a snicker. He places her in the middle of bed and moves closer towards her. Harry adjusts the blanket to over her body and he plants his lips on her forehead.

My eyes are on Avery who is staring at her Dad. She has some hair on her head. It's a light brown color like mine. I glance to Harry who's looking at me with soft eyes.

"I'm surprised she isn't crying yet," I say.

"Why would she cry?" Harry asks me. 

"Because Ava doesn't like me," I say. He shrugs and gives me a look. "I'm not exaggerating. The only thing she likes about me are my boobs because they feed her," 

"When she's older, she'll get more attached to you," He assures me.

"Why can't she be attached to me now? I want to play with her and cuddle with her," I look down to my daughter who is now sleeping. I kiss the top of her head and smile softly. 

I wonder if I were to have a son instead of a daughter where there be a difference. Would he want to be held by me? Or would he want Harry instead.

"If it helps I love you," Harry says causing me to chuckle.

"Thanks," I murmur. I look back down at Ava and stare at her sleeping self. She's wearing a light blue footy pajama which looks really cute. "I just want to hold Avery without her crying, you know? I did carry her inside of me for nine months and she wants nothing to do with me," I look back up and see Harry look at me with sad eyes. "I want a refund," I joke. 

Harry leans over on the mattress and kisses me. "Why don't we go on a date this week? It will just be us and we both get a break."

"It's mostly you that needs a break," I mumble. "I just clean up her toys and feed her. You do everything else," I say sadly.

"Well, you need a break from picking up toys then. I'll ask Gemma to watch her," I smile softly at his words and lay back down. 

"Sounds good," I murmur. "Good night Harry," 

"Good night Eve," He says through a yawn. I kiss Ava's cheek once more before I settle myself back into my mattress.

I soon fall fast asleep. 


I wake up to a small hand poking at my face. 

My groggy eyes open and I see Ava hovered over me with a tiled head. I see a resting look on her face like she's mad.

"What did I do?" I ask. "Can you love me for once?" I ask my daughter who continues to stare at me. 

I soon see her eyes well up with tears and I shrug. A loud sob starts to leave her lips causing me to sit up. 

I pick up my crying daughter and head downstairs. While I walk down the stairs I talk to her. "You know, you're the one who woke me up," I say to Ava. "I love you though, and one day you will love me too," I mumble. 

I walk into the kitchen and see Harry on his laptop typing. His eyes look up once he see's me holding our crying five month year old. I place our daughter on his lap and her head nuzzles into his chest and her crying simmers down.

"I want a boy," I say. "Maybe he will like me," I say while walking to the fridge to myself a water.

"She likes you," Harry argues and I roll my eyes. I grab my water and walk back to the island. I sit across from Harry and Ava gives me a dirty look.

"I hope you know without me you wouldn't be alive," I say to my daughter who has scowling eyes. "She acts like I abuse her. All I want is a fucking hug from her," 

"I don't know what to say to help you," He murmurs.

"You're like the baby whisperer or some crap because babies love you," I say, my voice is annoyed.

"Isn't that a good thing that they like me?" Harry asks.

"Yes, but I carry them for nine months and they don't want anything to do with me," I say while looking to Avery who's stilling giving me a dirty look. 

"You're indirectly yelling at a baby," He says through a snicker.

"This is what my life has come to," I see Max walk into the kitchen. He's gotten too big to carry. "Maybe I was just meant to own a lot of dogs, dogs like me," 



"Stop. She'll come around. Maybe start smiling around her," My eyes widen at his sentence.

"I'm always smiling," I defend. 

"You're not smiling now," 

"Because I just woke up," I defend. 

"I'm just trying to help," Harry murmurs. "Gemma said she'll watch Avery on Thursday for us," I nod and sip my water.

Ava is looking up at Harry with soft eyes. I want her to look at me and not cry. That's my goal. 

"Where are we going Thursday for dinner?" I ask my boyfriend of two years. 

"Where ever your heart desires," He gives me a smug smile. 

"Okay," I mumble. "I'll be watching TV if you need me," Harry nods and looks back down to our daughter. 

I walk into the living room while tugging my hand through my hair. I don't know how much longer I can go with her not wanting to be around me. She's been this way for two months and it's exhausting. 


smallish update ??

your feedback on this book would be great !!

idk what else to say soooo yeah goodbye lol


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