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I feel Harry's body sit next to me on the steps a few moments later. My head is in my hands and I still cry. His hand rests on my knee but I move away from his touch. "I don't n-need your pity comfort," I say to him through muffled tears.

I lift my head up from my hands and wipe my eyes. My hands are clammy and they're shaking a bit. I bite my lip and close my eyes to regain my breath that's uneven.

I soon glance over to Harry who's staring at me with soft eyes. His body is close to mine, but there is a small space between us. His eyes fall to his lap and I see his teeth pick at his lower lip. Harry's left hand runs through his hair and his foot taps against the step a little.

"Do you regret marrying me?" I hear him ask. His voice is low and timid sounding to me. I look back to Harry and see his eyes are on me now. They're soft looking. I open my mouth to speak but he continues. "And be honest,"

"I don't," I answer honestly.

Harry remains silent and just nods. His eyes look at his hands and his start to fingers fidget. I see his lip go between his teeth as well. I move closer to him until our knees touch. His head hangs a little and his lip starts to tremble making my heart pinch. "You're not a rebound to me," Harry says making my eyes sting.

"I'm sorry I said those things," I say. The moment that left my mouth I instantly regretted it.

"If you feel those things you can't be sorry for them," He says while playing with his wedding band. I rest my hand on top of his. His green eyes look down to me, and they're gentle. "I'm sorry for calling you annoying," His lip starts to tremble more, making my eyes burn with tears. "I-I went too far and I'm sorry Eve. Just the thought of you thinking I don't love you makes me mad because I love you more than I love myself. I-I," Harry starts to stammer on his words. "I'm just sorry, and I should've dropped the whole argument. Being mad at you isn't worth anything,"

The back of his hand wipes his eyes. "What I said didn't help though," I admit. "I was out of line, and needed to take your word," I say. His eyes look back to me. They're glossy as well as mine.

"Do you really think I don't look at you the way I looked at Jane?" Harry asks. Tears start to brim his eyes making mine also tear up. "We've been married two years and I'm already the worlds worst husband," Harry says while looking away from me.

"Please don't say that," I say. "If anything I'm the worlds worst wife for always doubting you,"

"Don't do that," He says in a murmur.

"Can we both just agree we were out of line and assholes?" I ask.

"I was more of an asshole than you," Harry says while running his hand through his curls. "Honestly, what's the difference between me and John at this point? I'm treating you just as bad," His words brings tears to my eyes. Some fall down my cheeks as well.

"Please, don't say that," I say. "I love you a-and I know you love me. I have my stupid insecurities and I shouldn't have said anything. I know you'd never hurt me the way he did or even close to it. That's the difference. You've never hit me or did anything like what he did. Our arguments aren't like the ones I had with him. We're going to argue, every couple does. We just need to work on not yelling when we're mad," I say while holding onto his hand.

"I just don't want you to be scared of me or start to resent me," Harry says, causing my head to shake. My arms wrap around his body and my head buries into him. He hugs me back tightly and strokes my hair.

"I'm sorry for doubting your love for me," I say.

"I'm sorry for making you have doubts," I feel his lips touch the top of my head. "I love you Eve. I'm sorry,"

"I'm sorry too," I say. "And I love you as well," I add. He snickers gently and continues to hold me.

"Why does it always take one of us to cry for us to talk reasonably?" Harry ask me.

"Because when one of us cries we turn into soft pussies," I answer causing him to chuckle against me.

"You're my soft pussy though," I laugh at his words. I press my face into him more and close my eyes.

"Are we good now?" I ask. "Because I don't like you mad at me,"

"Now you know how it feels," Harry jokes making me snicker a little. "But, yeah. We're good."

He breaks away from our hug and I lift my head off of his chest. His hands cup my cheeks and his green eyes look into mine. His eyes are still gentle like my eyes. "I don't like arguing with you," I say.

"Me either," Harry's voice is still low. He kisses my cheek then my forehead.


I went to bed with Harry cuddled into my back. His arm was draped over my body and our legs were intertwined.

What woke me up was a gentle poke at my face. My eyes are on Avery who's looking at me with a frown. "I had a nightmare," She says in a whisper.

I open the covers for her. She lays down in bed and I tuck the blanket under her body. Her head is next to mine and her teddy bear is still against her body.

"I'm sorry for what I said Mommy," I hear her say. "I love you."

"I love you too," I say while kissing her cheek. Her eyes meet mine and her hand holds connects with mine.

"Are you mad at me?" She asks me. Her lip pouts a bit making my heart ache.

"I could never be mad at you," I answer while stroking down her hair. My daughters head nuzzles into me and I close my eyes against her hold.

"I don't like you and Daddy yelling," She says in a low voice. "It makes me sad,"

"It won't happen again," I assure her.

"Are you guys happy now?" Ava asks me.

"Yes," I answer. I kiss her cheek and continue to hold her against me. "What was your nightmare?" I ask.

"I didn't have one. I just wanted to cuddle with you," My daughter admits. I smile gently at her words and play with her curly hair.

"I love you Avery," I say.

"I love you more Mommy. I'm sorry for what I said," Her lips touch my cheek and her head goes back to my chest.



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