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It's the following day and I got up at 6:30 and haven't gotten out of bed yet to get ready for work.

I went to the doctors yesterday to make sure the baby was alright from the cramps I had. She said everything was perfect still but she suggests I take it easy.

"Eve, it's nearly eight," Harry says as he sits beside me on our mattress.

"I'm taking a sick day," I say. I hold onto my pillow more and close my stinging eyes.

I miss Doug.

We've been through a lot together. I've only had him a year and he's already gone. Sometimes when I would wake up in the middle of the night because I can't sleep, Doug would keep me company. He'd either lay down beside me or sit on my lap with his bone. Now I'm just going to have to stay up alone with my thoughts.

I feel Harry's arms wrap around me and his front cuddle against my back. "You have to get to work," I mumble.

"I'm taking a sick day too," He says against me. His lips kiss my cheek.

"You don't have too," I say.

"I know," Harry says. "But you shouldn't be alone,"

I let out a deep breath and try to think about the happy times I had with Doug. I still want to smack that lady who said he wasn't cute enough to adopt. Fucking asshole.

"Do you want me to get you something to eat?" He asks me.

"I'm not hungry," I say.

"What about later? Would you like anything then? I can pick it up," My boyfriend offers.

"No," I mumble. "I want my pug though,"

We decided to cremate Doug so he can be with us still.

Harry kisses my cheek again and holds onto me more.

Harry POV

Eve fell asleep around nine.

Once she fell asleep, I left our bed to clean up. I know whenever Eve is mad or sad she likes to clean. I thought I should do it for her. Plus, I know she doesn't like to see messy things, it gives her a lot of anxiety I've figured out. I got a call from Daren around ten. We're on the phone now talking.

"I have to go now but uh," He pauses. "Make sure Eve isn't alone please. She can get very sad,"

"She's sleeping now," I mention. "Eve looks like she just wants to be alone and grieve though," I say.

"But that's not good for her. She's not going to be just grieving about Doug. She's going to be crying or be sad about the other people that were close to her and died. Like our Mom, brother, and grandmother,"

"She's never mentioned being close to her grandmother," I say in a mumble.

"Eve will tell you about her," Daren says. "I just don't want her to fall into depression again,"

My eyebrows furrow at his words. "Again?" I ask.

"Yeah, after Charlie died she got super depressed. She didn't go to school for nearly a month, hardly ate, and didn't speak to anyone. That hit her hard; she didn't tell you?"

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