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It's October 11th now and I'm due tomorrow.

I'm very scared actually. 

It's more of the pain I'm scared of being in. I'm told I have a high pain tolerance but I'm still very nervous. Also, knowing that this time next year a little life will be living here is pretty scary, in a good way though. I like that thought of being a Mom from now on.

I've been trying my best to take it easy this past few weeks though. I try my best to stay in bed all day but that's hard because I want to play with Max and be my normal self. I'm probably not even close to my normal self but I just hate sitting in bed watching TV all day. It sounds like heaven but I hate having Harry do everything for me. 

I see Harry walk into our bedroom with the water I asked for. "Thank you," I say to my boyfriend.

"You're very welcome," He leans in and kisses me. 

I sip my water and feel the cold liquid go down my throat. I look to Harry who has soft eyes and a gentle smile. "Are you in any pain?" 

"Why would I be?"

"I don't know, she is supposed to be born tomorrow and I don't know if you feel any contractions. I'm just making sure you're feeling alright," 

"I'm feeling as well as I can for being nine months pregnant," I answer while leaning back on the bed," 

"Can I get you anything else?" Harry asks me. As I open to speak I start getting cramps. I close my mouth and bite my lip. "You good?" He asks while moving closer towards me.

"Um, I could be having contractions or my stomach is cramping up from the granola bar I ate. But, I think it's the possible contractions," 

"Okay um," He squeezes my hand. "Relax and take deep breaths if they hurt. Um, I put your bag in the car yesterday so we're good to go when you wanna go," My heart flutters.

"We can wait a while, um," I pause for a moment. "Can you grab me my shoes and socks?" I ask. Harry and nods. He stands up and goes to my dresser.

The contractions go away letting me be able to put on my shoes without discomfort. But then they come back and slowly increase. It's not bad, I've had worse period cramps.

"Who's gonna watch Max?" I ask.

"I'll go ask Liam to watch him," Harry says. I nod and rest my hand on my stomach.

It's happening.

I'm going to have a child coming out of vagina. 

Oh god. That's not a pleasant thought.

I just hope everything goes alright with her. I smile at the thought of how I'm going to be a Mom in a few hours. Well, not a few, a lot of hours from now.


shortest chapter i've ever written lol



tysm for 91k reads!! ahhhh that means a lot


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