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Today is when Avery will be with me for three days.

I might cry when I see her, I miss her so much my heart my explode. Harry's been sending me photos of her to keep me sane, but it's not the same as holding her. 

Last night I couldn't fall asleep so I had a cleaning spree. I think I cleaned every room in our very big house. 

It's Thursday morning and Harry should be here any moment with Ava. I'm excited to see her. 

I hear the door bell ring and I get off of the couch to answer it. I pull the heavy front door open and see Harry. Ava is in his arms and my eyes automatically water. She's wearing grey pants and a pink jacket that makes me feel all gushy.

I take our daughter out of his arms and hold her against me tightly. I kiss the top of Avery's head and close my eyes against her. "I'm going to put her things upstairs," Harry says to me.

"Okay," I say in a murmur. I reopen my eyes and look to Ava. Her hazel eyes are staring at me and she's still smiling. She nuzzles her nose against mine and kisses my lips. Her small arms wrap around my neck and her head rests on my shoulder. 

My heart swells at her actions making a few tears leave my eyes. I walk upstairs with my daughter in my arms and walk into her room. Harry is hanging up her clothes from the past four nights she was with him.

"I can do that," I tell him in a kind voice.

"You sure?" Harry asks while looking back at me. His green eyes look into mine but I glance away from his stare.

"Yeah," I say. He nods and the room falls silent. 

"Anyways, I'll get out of you way now. Can I say goodbye to her?" He asks me. 

"Of course," I place our daughter in his arms. Give them some time alone and head to my room to make up the bed that I slept in an hour ago. It's not much to make up considering only one side of the mattress needs to be redone. That is unless Max wants to get under the covers with me, then I have to redo the whole bed. 

"I'm leaving now. If you need anything my phone is on. I put Ava in her crib," Harry says in the door way of our room. I turn back around and look at him. His body is leaning against the white lining and his hand is running through his curls. 

"Okay," I answer. He looks at me with this look I can't describe. His eyebrows are rested calmly but a slight smirk is on his pink lips. I don't know if it's even a smirk, but it just looks cocky in a sense. His green eyes are staring at me making me question him more. "Stop giving me that look," I say with a slight chuckle.

"What look?" A snicker escapes his pink plump lips that look glossy and soft. 

"I don't know, you're just looking at me with this look," I say my reasoning.

"I'm just looking at you," Harry says like it's nothing.

"Uhuh," I mumble to myself.

His eyes look back into mine he goes back to giving me the same look he was before. I end up laughing making a smile escape on his lips again. "Stop," I say. 

"Stop what? I'm just looking at you," He says with laughter of his own.


Harry and I lay beside each other on our bed, naked.

"Is that what you were trying to convey through staring at me?" I ask him a few moments later. My eyes watch the ceiling fan above us that is spinning in endless circles.

"No," He says, is voice is soft but low. I look over to Harry who is looking at me. "I was just looking at you," He repeats. 

My eyes roll playfully at his words and stare forward again. "Was us having sex a bad idea?" I ask.

"Well," Harry pauses. "Maybe because we're not together together, but I had a good time," My head shakes and I snicker a bit.

"I'm glad," I mumble. My fingertips draw circles on the sheets under us. I feel his hand rest on top of mine, which causes goosebumps to rise on my skin. I look over to Harry who's still staring at me. "I need to go to the office now," I say in a low murmur.

"You're taking Avery?" 

"Yep," I say with a small smile. 


"Okay," We both sit up and dress a second or two later. 

Regret fills my chest quickly because of the fact that we had sex. It was out of impulse and a craving, rather than love and because we're on good terms. 

I slide on my shirt and pull up my pants. I scowl at myself for craving in. Now I'm going to miss him more and want him here again.

I turn back around and look to Harry who's zippering his jeans. My arms hug around my body loosely and I bite my lip. I hate how this feels like a one night stand rather than having sex with my boyfriend, if he even is my boyfriend.  

"I'll see you in a few days," He says before he leaves.

"Yep," I murmur. Soon Harry leaves our bedroom, and I sit down on the corner of our bed. I lay back on the bed and let out a deep breath. 



is there anything i can do to improve this story? be honest and let me know!

comment goal: 60??


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