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Harry POV

It's Saturday morning and Liam asked if I wanted to go the diner with him for some breakfast.

So, that's where I am at now.

"How's Eve doing with Avery?" My friend asks me. Liam sips the coffee he ordered.

"Good," I answer. "How's Sophia?"

"She's good. Her and Eve are actually hanging out today, which is good. She's been a little iffy with being home alone in the house,"

"Eve is the same way, but at least she has Max and Avery," I play with my fingers under the table. "So, Ben is the best man," I bring up.

"Yeah," Liam says with a faint smile. Silence falls between us and we both awkwardly sip our coffee's. "No hard feelings right?"

"I mean, no. Ben has been in your life for just as long as I have, so it's fine. Wait-" Liam's eyes look tense by my words, and I just stare at him.

"It's just a best man, Harry. It's not a big deal,"

"The name best man says a lot," I say. "Was I even considered to be it?"

"Yeah," Liam mumbles.


"Ben and I have grown close. You know these past years you've been slowly getting back to being yourself but before you were just someone who I didn't think I knew. Yes, we've been best friends since we were kids but you haven't acted like my best friend in years,"

"What do you mean?" I scoff with wide, offended eyes.

Liam shrugs. "You never wanted to go out and do things, you were a bit of a jackass, and you just turned into someone new after Jane and Elena died which I understood. But you haven't been the same since," He says. "Sometimes our friendship is one sided,"

"How?" I ask with narrowed eyes. "I just asked about your fiance, how's that one sided?"

"You never see me coming to you for advice, do you?"

"Who's fault is that?" I ask. "I don't carry around a sign that says don't come to me if you need help," I defend.

"I just want Ben to be my best man, Harry. He acts more like a best friend to me than you do sometimes," I bite down on my jaw and dig my fingers into my thighs. "And you can't deny that. The only time you want to hangout with me is because you have issues with Eve or need to vent about the office,"

"I'm sorry I don't treat you like a best friend when I look at your like a brother. I don't go to Daren who's one of my best friends for advice because I trust you more. If I was annoying you, you could've told me you didn't want to help and I would've understood. But, thanks for throwing it in my face that I semi rely on you like you're my family," I stand up from the booth and place a twenty down on the table. "Go give my meal to Ben,"

I walk out of the diner and go to my rental car parked in the back of the resturaunt.


I got an early flight back to New York.

Tonight we all we supposed to go out to dinner since it was our last day in Arizona, but I'm not in the mood to see Liam or his "best friend".

I said goodbye to Daren before I left for the airport. At least I still have him as a friend.

I open the front door to my house at noon, and it's silent. I leave my suitcase downstairs and walk up the stairs. I hear the TV on in Eve and I's bedroom, so I walk over to there.

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