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"Call me when you land," I say to Harry. I'm parked at the airport now.

"I will," He tells me.

"Have fun,"

"I'm going for work, it won't be fun," Harry huffs. I smile weakly. "If anything happens call me, okay?"

"I will," I say. "I love you,"

"I love you too," Harry leans over and kisses me. It's a long kiss that makes me sad. I'm going to miss him and I already know it.

"Please remember to call me when you land," I say again.

"I will call you," My boyfriend assures me. I nod. Harry turns around and pets Doug before he leaves the car. Once I see he's in the airport I drive away.

Off to my Dad's house.


My Dad answers the door with a friendly smile on his lips. I step into his house while still having Doug on his leash.

Once I'm inside, he closes the door behind me and locks it. "Can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm good," I answer. I kneel down and take of my dogs leash. I stand back up and look at my Dad who has soft, gloomy eyes.

"Well uh, just make yourself at home. Well, this is your home too but you get what I mean," I nod with a friendly grin.

It's obviously it's awkward between us. I know eventually we'll talk, but for now I don't want too.

I walk to the living room where I see Doug. I also see toys scattered on the floor. "Sorry for the mess, Lexi was over last night and I haven't had a chance to put her stuff away," My dad says.

"You're fine," I say. "Why don't you all live together?" I ask curiously.

"I'm mostly over there five times a week but uh, I can't let this house go. I raised all of you guys here and I don't know, it just holds a lot of memories," My dad explains.

"Have them move in then," I say.

"I've thought about it but uh," He pauses. "I'd have to move Daren and Masons stuff as well as Ethan's and yours. And I know you guys like your old rooms, and their kids sleep in there when they sleep over. It just seems better if I sleep over there sometimes,"

"Why was Lexi here then if you're mostly over there?" I ask.

"Zoe had some late hours, so Lexi and Rachel were here until she picked them up," My Dad explains.

"Are you going to be over there tonight?" I ask.

"Harry said he didn't want you alone," My Dad brings up.

"I know but they're your family. I don't think you would want to be away from them," I say.

"I can visit throughout the week," My Father says causally.

"I just don't want you to think you have to change everything because of me," I say.

"No, you're fine," He grins softly. "When do you go to work?"

"I only have work Wednesday and Friday this week since my bosses won't be there. Why?" I ask.

"Lexi is going to be here Monday morning to afternoon," My Dad says.

"Oh, I can go hangout somewhere else if you want on Monday.

"No, stay, I just didn't know how you would feel having her here, since you know..."

"It's fine," I say. "Anyways, I'm going to go back to bed. Did you want me to take Doug with me or is he okay down here?"

"He can stay down here," My Dad says. "If you need anything let me know," I nod and walk upstairs.

Once I'm in my room and I shut the door behind me and lay down on my mattress.

It's only been an hour or so and I miss Harry. I think it's just the fact that I know I won't see him for a week is what makes me sad.

I prop my blankets up to my shoulder and close my eyes.

Maybe I'll get some sleep.

Eve POV {past}

I've been dating John now for three months now.

These months have gone by so fast, if I'm being honest. Compared to my "ex", if you'd call him one, John is so nice.

I'm at his apartment now. John invited me over to hangout, and I didn't argue his offer. I still live with my Dad because dorms are too expensive. I got a full scholarship to PACE, but that didn't include dorms, which is fine. I like living at home.

My eyes are on the TV in front of us. I feel his hand rest on my low thigh and his lips touch the top of my head. I smile to myself and look up at John.

His brown eyes are soft and a gentle grin remains on his mouth. He leans in to kiss me and I kiss back. It's a quick kiss, but it makes my body tingle and get fuzzy.

We both look back to the movie that is playing on the television. My head rests on his side and his arm drapes over me.

I never knew I could feel this comfortable with someone after only dating them for three months. John makes me feel safe and relaxed, which is a refreshing feeling.

"I love you, Eve," I hear my boyfriend say to me, causing my heart to race. I look up at John who's staring down at me.

"You do?" I ask.

"I do," His fingers play with my hair. "I think you're the best thing that's happened to me," My heart flutters and my eyes soften.

"I love you too," I say back to John who grins. He leans down to kiss me. It's a longer kiss that feels more intimate.

We spend the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling on his couch. Throughout the whole time of me being at his apartment, the feeling of comfort remains in my body.



Short chapter sorry!!

Next one will be a little interesting :)

Comment goal: 50???


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