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It's raining out currently. Tomorrow is the dinner at Liam's house; I'm kind of excited about it. I'm making the cake later today.

"Can we talk?" I hear Harry say behind me.

"Sure," I put the sponge in the sink and dry my hands. Harry sits down at the island and I sit across from him. He has a folder with him which makes my head tilt. 

"So, I was thinking we should discuss something regarding our nameless daughter. It will be easier if we do it now rather than later," 

"Okay. Discuss what exactly?" I ask with knotted eyebrows. My hands are on my lap. 

Harry pulls out a piece of paper. "These are questions me and my lawyer came up with. They're just basic things," 

"Why did you have to get a lawyer?" I ask.

"You'll see," He mumbles. "Anyways, the first question is, will she have my last name?"

"Why wouldn't she?" I ask.

"Some woman who aren't married like the kid to have their last name. I was just checking," He jots something down.

Is this a fucking meeting or something?

"Next question, will she be raised religiously?" 

"Um, I'm not really religious. I mean, I haven't been to church since I was seven. If you want to raise her religiously we can,"

"I'm not into that stuff. So, she can decide for herself when she's older," He starts writing again. "She will be under my insurance I assume?" His eyes glance up at me.

"She can be under mine if you want," I say.

"I'd rather not," I roll my eyes at his comment. "If something were to happen to us and we're no longer a thing, I don't want another male you're seeing to meet her the first year we're not together. Is that alright?" He asks me.

"That's specific," I say.

"Usually the first relationship is a rebound and I don't want her to get attached to someone who won't stay," 

"Am I rebound for you then?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"No, because the time Jane died and I met you was six year difference. And you know I love you so, no you're not my rebound," He says. "So, is that a yes?" 

"Does that apply for you too?" I ask.

"Yep," He tells me.

"Okay, then that's fine," I answer. I let out a deep breath and pull my hair into a messy bun. These questions are getting me to sweat. 

"Will you be staying home with her full time or resume work?" 

"Resume work," I answer.

"Will we be hiring a babysitter or nanny?" Harry asks me. His eyes are scanning the paper.

"No," I say.

"Who will be watching her while we're at work?" He asks, his eyes look back up at me.

"My Dad can," I say.

"I'll need him to write down that he will watch her five days a week, eight a.m to six p.m," My eyes scowl at Harry. I just nod. "Next one," His eyes scan the paper. "If we are not together in the future and what not, she'll be under my custody," 

My eyes widen. "What?" I ask. 

"She, our daughter, will be with me," Harry says.

"No!" I say. "I would at least want joint custody," I say.

"Lets say the first year we break up, do you have enough money for a two bedroom apartment? Do you make enough to support her and yourself? Will you be able to take off of work to take her somewhere? I can do those things because I'm my own boss," 

"Why the hell are we talking about this?" I ask.

"Because, we don't know what the future holds Eve. And I like to think about what could happen," My boyfriend answers simply.

"I make enough to get a two bedroom apartment," I answer. 

"Food? Clothes? Toys?" Harry asks.

"Yes Harry, you know how much I make," I say. 

"I'm just asking, I don't want to assume," He writes some things down. "If something were to happen to me such as death, um, she'll get all my money, but you'd be in charge until she's 18," 

"Can we stop this now?" I ask. "You're giving me hot flashes," 

"We're almost done. Is that a yes?"

"Sure, yeah," I let out a deep breath. 

"If she needs anything as a baby, toddler, child, teenager, you'll use a credit card from me to pay for it," 

"No," I say. "I can buy her things myself too," 

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm very sure," I say with a small smile. I see the hesitation of crossing off that question. I never knew how much he was a control freak until now. "Anything else Mr. Styles? Or is this conference over?" 

"This isn't a conference Eve. These are questions us as parents need to discuss. We're not married, and if we break up I don't want her to be affected by us splitting up. Which leads to my next question. If we do break up, or get married in the future and divorce, we'll put her in therapy if needed," 

"Yes," I answer. 

"Do you agree that all these agreements we went over apply to our other possible future children?" 

"Yes," I say. At least he thought about possibly having more kids with me in the future. 

"Great, just sign the paper," He turns the piece of paper over to me and hands me the pen. I bet he spent twenty dollars on this pen.

My eyes scan the paper. "Possible joint custody?" I ask. My eyes glare up at him. 

"Yes, that's pending," 

"I'm not signing it until it says joint custody," I answer. 

"Eve, it's for the better. You can still see her," I cross my arms and stare at him. "Fine," He scribbles out the word possible and gives me back the pen.

I sign the stupid contract and give it back to him. "Happy?" I ask.

"Very, thank you," Harry give me a smug smile. "Keep in mind, most are those are what if's. I have no plan on breaking up with you any time soon," He gives me a small peck.

"You've given me a headache," I say.

"It's better to get these things out of the way now, then later if there is a later," His dimples are on his cheeks.

"Why do you seem happy by talking about these things?"

"I'm not," He says. "I just like to be on top of things,"

"You're a control freak kind of," 

"And you're a cleaning freak sort of," He grins humorously. He kisses me again and walks away.

I swear he gets off of conferences and negotiating. I shake my head and walk to the den to relax and play with Max.


i wanted to update again so here's another update

keep in mind everything i add in the book has a purpose ;)

not the more interesting chapter but i just wanted to add those things to make them seem more adulty


my parents are divorced and those were the things they needed to discuss so, i went off of that if you were wondering if these questions are actually discussed

comment goal: 60??

feel free to comment more names as you please, i do have one in mind still but that might change !


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