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It's been two weeks since I took a pregnancy test and it said negative. That night Harry and I tried again, and so I'm waiting a while to take a test. My period is supposed to come soon, so if it doesn't come that's a good thing.

I haven't checked my period tracker in a while, so I don't know exactly when it's supposed to come, all I know is that it's soon.

These past months Harry and I have been fucking like dogs for something to happen. It's starting to make me sad because all I want is to get pregnant.

If my period does come this month, I want to take a break from trying purposely. The more tests I take that say 'negative' the more annoyed and sad I become.

Avery is currently taking her afternoon nap and Harry is at the office until six.

Max and Lucy are both in my daughters room, so the house is pretty silent for the most part. The only noise being made is the AC unit running and the washer machine.

I go to the bathroom in my room before I lay down for a bit. I might take a small nap, I'm tired. I also have a headache, which seems to happen lately.

What makes me sigh loudly is the sight of blood on my underwear. My eyes sting a little because all I want is another baby and I won't be getting one any time soon.

After I put my ruined underwear in the wash, and settle everything out, I lay down on my bed and with my phone.

Me: Harry

Harry: yes?

Me: can you pick me up Taco Bell on your way home?

Harry: sure

Harry: everything ok?

Me: I got my period

Harry: oh

Harry: do you want me to come home?

Me: no, I'm fine

Harry: but you're not good

Me: yeah well

Me: I'm fine. I'm going to take a nap soon

Harry: okay :(

Harry: my phone is on if you need me

Me: okay

I lock my phone and put it on my nightstand. I hold a pillow against my body and let out a small sigh. I didn't even get any symptoms of my period even coming. And it's not even spotting because it's too heavy for it to be it.

I close my eyes and grip onto my pillow more. A little pinch of sadness is still in my chest from not being able to get pregnant. I'm starting to get worried now.


My groggy eyes open a little when I hear the sound of the bed creak. I assume it's Avery who woke up from her nap, but it isn't.

I feel my husband's arms wrap around my body and his head nuzzle against my shoulder. Harry's lips touch my cheek and I close my eyes.

"I told you to stay at work," I say in a low mumble.

"I know," He answers casually. "But you need to be held now," I bite my lip at his words and screw my eyes shut more. I feel his fingers run through my hair, causing my nerves to settle a little.

"I love you," I say to Harry.

"I love you more," He says to me. His grip on me is tight but comfortable.

I flip my body around until my head is against his chest and our legs intertwine as well.

"I want to take a break from trying," I tell my husband who nods against me.

"Okay," Harry says. His fingers stroke my lower back. I feel his lips touch my forehead and the top of my head. "If you want to talk about how you're feeling I'm always here,"

"I'm just sad," I say simply. That's all I am really feeling.

"I know," He says. "Try not to stress about it, okay? The stress isn't good for your body,"

"It's hard not to because I shouldn't have problems getting pregnant," I through a muffled huff.

"If you're really worried, you can go to a fertility doctor," Harry says. "But, we've only been trying for four months, there are people who try for years until they conceive,"

"I'm just working myself up like always," I say. My husband holds me tighter against him and my eyes re-close against his body.

I soon fall back asleep while being held by Harry.


I wake up to Avery poking my cheek. My tired eyes open and I see my daughter looking down at me with a faint smile. "Hi Mommy," Avery greets.

"Hi," I say while stroking her cheek. She smiles at me then lays in the middle between Harry and I.

Harry kisses the top of his daughters head and adjusts the pillow for her head. "Do you want to watch TV?" He asks her.

"Yes please," She says while grinning. Her head nuzzles into his chest causing me to smile.

The TV soon turns on and he puts on a show she likes. Her hazel eyes are on the television and her hand holds mine has her head is cuddled into her Dad's.

I move closer to Avery and Harry and look to the show she enjoys.

I assume it can be the three of us in the long run. Five including the dogs. If I can't get pregnant I can always adopt more dogs, and I guess that would be fine. I don't think it would be healthy to fill the void of not having more kids with dogs, but it's okay.


good morning / night for some

comment goal: 70? 

ty for reading !


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