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I already regret my choice of going.

I hate disappointing my nephews and that's why I'm here.

Not for their parents, for them.

My brother, Daren, opens the front door to my Dad's house. "Merry Christmas," My brother says with a grin.

"Thanks," I say. Harry squeezes my hand.

We step inside my old house and I'm greeted with Logan who runs up to me. His arms wrap around my body and his head nuzzles into me. "Hi Aunt Evie,"

"Hey bud," I say while hugging him back. "Stop growing, you're getting too tall," I say causing him to grin at me. He leans in and kisses my cheek.

"Merry Christmas,"

"Merry Christmas to you too," I say with a smile. He goes over to Harry and hugs him.

A few moments later I see James come over to me. He's two now.

"Hello!" He waves at me. I kneel down to get to his level. He looks more like his Mom, which is cute to see.

"Hi," I greet my other nephew. His arms hug me and he kisses my cheek.

I hug his small body and kiss his rosy cheek.

I see Mason emerge out of the dining room with a smirk on his lips. A beer is in his hand and he looks amused at seeing me.

"Dada!" James says to his father who walks over to us. Daren and Mason both have cocky looks that make me sick.

Mason picks up his son and smiles at him. "How's your day?" Daren asks me.

"Good, yours?"

"Good. I would describe it as great now since you're here,"

"Wow, how kind of you," I remark. Daren's eyes look to Harry.

"Hello, Mr. 0 days clean," My brother says while squeezing my boyfriends shoulder.

"Mr. Two hours clean," I hear Harry say back to Daren.

I don't want to know what they're talking about, and I don't want to know.

They start to go back and forth and I look to Mason. "I wasn't expecting you to come,"

"You guilted me," I say.

"Mama," James says while pointing to his Mom across the room.

"Do you want to go to Mama?" My brother asks. His son nods 'yes'. Soon James walks away to his Mom and my Brothers eyes look back to me.

"Dad's in the kitchen if you want to say hello," He informs me. I nod.

"I will eventually," I mumble. I look to Harry who's in a conversation with Daren. I still won't get over the fact that they're friends.

"Are you just going to stand here the whole time?" I haven't moved around until I stepped into my Dad's house.

I just feel weird being here. Usually when I go to my Dad's house I feel like I'm at home and safe. Now I feel awkward and unwelcomed. Like did he always think of me as someone who can't be pleased well or hard to make happy?

"Most likely," I answer Mason who shrugs.

Dinner should be fun.


I didn't really eat. I just had some salad because I don't feel well eating in front of everyone.

I haven't said anything to my Dad. I've only really spoken to my nephews. I played a board game with Logan before dinner. I told him after we'll continue.

I feel Harry's hand rest on top of mine and his fingers stroke my skin. I intertwine our fingers and lean back in my chair.

My brothers are talking about some sports match and I just listen in like I have been all dinner.

I don't totally regret coming here for Christmas. I went for my nephews and I'm glad I did because I missed them.


I'm putting dishes in the sink currently. I'm an anxious cleaner so it works out well for me.

"I can do the dishes," I hear a voice comment behind me. I turn around and see my Dad.

"I got it," I say while turning back around. I turn on the sink and let it get warm.

My Dad stands beside me. It's still silent, and awkward between us.

"I'm sorry for what I said over the phone," He brings up. "I've been wanting to tell you but I was nervous,"

"Why would you be nervous?" I ask.

"Well, Zoe is nine years younger than me, and I was worried about what you think of me being with someone."

"I have no room to judge who you want to be with. And if you want to date someone nine years younger than you, then do so. I just don't want you to die alone," I pause for a moment. "But I know Mason, Ethan, and Daren already met her and her kids,"


"I'm not a mean person," I say. "It's been what,  eight months since you've been with Zoe and now I find out? And I bet you wouldn't even have told me if I didn't call you up yesterday," My voice is still low and semi normal sounding.

"I'm sorry," He repeats.

"You're like Hannah Montana over here living two lives for the past eight months and I feel like an idiot," I say. "Everyone knew but me. It's like you didn't want me to even be apart of that part of your life,"

"You have to understand where I'm coming from, Eve,"

"I don't know where you're coming from," I say. "You're just giving me bullshit reasons. Wouldn't you want your daughter to meet your girlfriend? I wouldn't be a dick to her like you were Harry if that's what you were worried about," I say while looking at him.

His light brown eyes stare at me. "You want the truth?"

"Yes," I say.

"I've been with Zoe now for nearly five years. I told your brothers to tell you 8 months if you ever found out," I stare at him.

"She has a four year old daughter though," I say. My Dad looks at me with this looks that makes me feel a little sick. "You have another daughter?" I exclaim.


Smallish chapter , sorry !!

Update later tonight ??

Thank you to everyone who is reading the sequel !!! It really does mean a lot :) & I hope you guys enjoy the rest of their journey


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