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It's been two weeks since Harry and Liam rekindled their friendship.

They text a lot, I've noticed. Usually in the morning and night is where I see them text the most. In my opinion, it's cute to see Harry text his best friend every day like a teenage girl.

Harry is still very busy with the restaurant, as I assumed he would. He keeps assuring me that it will settle down and everything will get better. But it's been a month and it's still as crazy as the first day he bought it.

I want him to do well with this business, but we don't have a lot of time together. I don't want to be a selfish asshole and make everything based on our relationship, but sometimes I want to go out on a date or have some alone time and he's busy.

It's Wednesday and I'm on the couch with Avery. She's gotten so big it makes me sad. She's nine months now, which makes me feel emotional because my daughter is growing up. She's currently standing on the couch holding onto the back rest. I pull up her pants that were falling and make sure she's alright on her own.

I stand up from the sofa and start picking up her toys on the floor.

"I'll be out," I hear Harry say while walking into our living room.

"What do you mean you'll be out?" I ask. It's almost dinner time and he said he would be home for it today. Anna came over at five to remake our dinner for 6:30. It's almost 6:30.

"I need to do something for the restaurant, I'll be back maybe eight? Or I'll be home around then,"

"You said you'd be home for dinner tonight," I say through a shrug. "As much as I love Avery, I can't have a conversation with her so it's not fun eating alone,"

"I'll be home for dinner tomorrow, okay? I promise. Something randomly came up that I need to sort out,"

"Yeah, have fun," I murmur. I look back to Ava who's given up standing for the day. She's sitting on the couch staring about with a faint smile on her lips.

"Eve, please don't be mad," He says. "I'll make it up to you, okay?"

"Sure," I murmur. I take my eyes off of my daughter, and look over to Harry who's looking at me with soft eyes but a look written on his face that I can't read. "What?" I ask.

"You can't be mad with me for having to leave to do what I have to do. I told you in the beginning it was going to be tough and it will take time to adjust. But, I'm trying here,"

"You also said by now everything will be settled," I add. "Why don't you hire a private assistant to do all of that stuff?" I ask.

"I don't trust anyone with doing my things," Harry says. "And I can do it myself,"

"I need you home more than you're here now. If having a PA makes you be home more than five hours, then get one," I say. "Avery is going to be walking soon, I can tell, and I would like you to be around when she is walking and talking. And besides that it's not good that I never see you. When I fall asleep, you're still out doing whatever. Then when I wake up we have only a few hours together,"

Harry runs his fingers through his curly hair. His tried looking eyes are staring at me. "I'm trying, Eve," His voice sounds snappy.

"Try a bit harder," I mumble.

"How hard much harder should I try?" His voice raises. "I can only do so much at a time, and you knew what it was going to be like now with my new business,"

"It should go family, then work," I say. "Meaning, your family should come before your job, and doesn't. The deal was you stay with Avery twice a week and I stay with her the other three, excluding weekends. But you've given up on that and now and Gemma sometimes watches her, when that was the thing that you needed to do."

His eyes are burning on me and they're tense. "I'm building more opportunity,"

"Yeah for yourself," I say.

"So you're calling me selfish for wanting to do more than be a CEO?" He asks me. His voice raises more now.

"If you want to say selfish than yeah. I mean, you didn't even ask me what I thought about you owning a restaurant, you just did it. What type of relationship is that?"

"You're still fucking mad about that?" Harry groans.

"Yes! Because it was a stupid decision you made that was out of impulse because Liam pointed out that you don't do anything besides work. And look, now you've just created more work for yourself," I snap.

He stares at me with tense eyes. Harry doesn't say anything, he just exits the den making my eyes widen. I follow behind him. "You're just going to walk away?"

"Yes, because you're annoying me," He grabs his car keys and wallet off of the table in the foyer.

"Why? Because I'm saying the truth?" I ask my boyfriend.

Harry doesn't respond, he just reaches for the door but I step in his way. "Get out of my way," He says.

"No, we're not done talking," I say.

"Yes we are," He tries to reach for the handle again but I move his hand away. His green eyes darken and his jaw turns tight. "Eve, get out of my fucking way," His deep voice raises.

"No," I growl.

"I swear to fucking God--get out of my way!" He finally shouts which makes me jump back by his loud yelling. Harry grabs the handle of the door and leaves the house, slamming it shut behind him.

I wipe my eyes that have let out a few tears, and walk back to the living room where I see Avery crying loudly.

I bring her into my chest and rock her back and forth in my hold. My fingers run through her curls and I kiss the top of her head. "Don't cry," I say to her. I pat her back and keep holding her tightly against me.


I've managed to update again today :0

This chapter is dedicated to @RubyEG !! I've seen your name on my feed a few times with my other books! Thank you so much for reading my words and supporting them ((:

Comment if you want a dt!!

Comment goal: 60?


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