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Before this chapter starts I just wanna go add that, yes their baby was fed, I didn't add everything that happened from when Harry got Avery in the night to when Eve woke up in the morning (6 a.m) Adding in Eve breast feeding or however they feed babies in hospitals when their born isn't something I wanted to add nor write about ...

So stop being up my ass about that thanks :-p
^ I mean that in a loving way



I've been home for two days now.

Anne and Gemma did show up to the hospital thirty minutes after Harry called around noon. We needed to fill out some stuff for our daughter from when I woke up till then.

The same time Anne showed up, my Dad did as well as Zoe, Lexi, and Rachel. It was the first time Rachel and Gemma met which was interesting.

I knew that meant a lot having his Mom and sister show up considering what happened before with their past.

Gemma told me it meant a lot that Harry's giving them a chance to redeem them selves, if you will.

We decided her nickname was Ava, which I thought was cute.

I just got done changing her and now I'm taking her downstairs with me. I walk into the living room and see Harry laying on the floor.

He's just laying there.

"Harry, you good there?" I ask my boyfriend.

"Yeah," He says. "The floor is comfy,"

"So is the couch," I sit down on the sofa and lean back. I cradle my daughter in my arms and kiss her puffy cheek.

Harry stands up and groans. "Your back hurting again?" I ask.

"No," He says. My eyebrow raises at him. "Yes," He sits beside me on the couch and kisses our daughters cheek.

"Have you iced it?"

"Yes," Harry answers. "I just slept wrong, I'll be fine," He grins softly at me.

"Okay," I say. "Can you hold her for a moment? I need to pee,"

"Of course. I love holding my little baby," My heart flutters at his words and I carefully place her into his arms.

I stand up from the couch and excuse myself from the living room. Since I got pregnant I always need to pee now, which is annoying. I take a sip of water and I have to pee.

Breastfeeding has been a little hard. It's not something I'm used to but I'll get used to it. I have some bottles in the fridge from when I last pumped. It's convenient because I can just give her the bottle.

I return to the living room and see Harry is still looking at Ava with a wide smile. He nuzzles his nose against her's and grins widely.

She has a white blanket wrapped around her body as well as a hat on her head.

"She's so perfect Eve," Harry says while looking at me. "Just look at this cute little face," I smile at his words and sit beside my boyfriend.

"She is cute," I say while looking back at her. Her eyes are blue, which is kind of cool. I'm told that happens with a lot of infants but over time that will change, and her actual eye colour will show.

Harry looks over to me and smiles gently. He leans in and kisses my lips. It's a small kiss but makes me feel happy. My chin rests on his shoulder and we just admire our daughter.


Whoops filler chapter :/

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