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Before this chapter begins I just want to explain what's gonna be going on

This chapter is a 'what if' Jane and elena never died chapter

This is ONE of the possibilities that could happen, you get to fill in the blanks by what it means for Eve and Harry

I hope you enjoy x


Harry POV

I walk through the busy Manhattan streets with my daughters hand in mine.

It's early fall now so the hot summer weather is calming down and the leaves are turning brown, orange, and red now. Some leaves have a hint of yellow which Elena likes because it makes them "unique".

As we're both walking on the sidewalk to get to my building, a body crashes into mine which makes the files in my open hand fall.

"I'm so sorry," A woman's voice says. She helps me pick up the papers, which was nice of her.

We both stand back up and I take a look of the woman who knocked into me.

Her light brown hair is pushed into a pony tail, a strand or two falling in front of her face; her blue eyes look hazel from the sun, which is nice to see. Her beauty is oddly breath taking considering the more older girls I've encountered. She looks young. Early 20's I would say.

Her outfit confirms that's she is younger--maybe. Not older. She's wearing washed up blue jeans. It rips at the knees and is rolled up by her ankles. Her shirt is grey and her shoes are white dirty converse.

"Hi, Ms. Collins," I hear Elena say. My eyes look to my daughter then back to the woman across from us.

"Hey, Elena," She says in a happy voice. "And I said for you to call me Eve," Her eyes glisten under the sun above us and I can't stop staring at her.

"How do you guys know each other?" I ask curiously. My hand is attached to Elena's still but I look between the two at times.

"She volunteers at the shelter with Mommy, Derek, and I," Elena replies with a faint smile that's wide.

"Oh," I say. I forgot they did that. I look back to Eve who is looking at my daughter.

"You must be the Dad. I heard a lot about you," She says while sticking her hand out for me to shake, which I do.

"I hope they're all good things," I say while glancing down to Elena who has a grin on her lips still.

"Never one negative thing," Eve says assuringly.

"Do you go to school near by?" I ask curiously.

"Uh, no. I graduated about," She pauses for a few moments, thinking. "Three years ago,"

"Oh," I say. I sound shocked, which I am.

"I get that all time time," Her voice still sounds peppy, which is refreshing.

"What did you major in?" I ask curiously.

"English and business," Eve admits. "I was a double major,"

"I was too, years ago," I say.

"Wait, you're not in college still?" Eve jokes making me chuckle. A smile escapes onto her pink lips as well as mine. "What did you major in?"

"English and business," I admit. She nods.

"It must be very popular for us book nerds to major in English," Eve hums gently.

"Books are cool," I find myself saying. That was the dumbest thing I've said so far.

"What authors do you like?" Fuck, I haven't read anything in years.

"Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, so on," I list briefly the popular authors off the top of my head.

"I've never met a guy who openly said he likes Jane Austen," Eve says.

"Is that a bad thing?" I feel like I'm slowly digging myself into a hole.

"No, quite the opposite," Her eyes meet mine for a short moment. "Anyways, I'll let you two get on with your day. It was nice seeing you Elena, and it was nice meeting you Elena's Dad,"

I haven't said my name to her.

"Harry," I say. "I didn't say my name so uh, it's Harry," I ramble.

"It was nice to met you, Harry," She changes her sentence.

Elena says goodbye to her and soon we both go our own ways.

"You should've asked for her number," My nine year old daughter says as we walk.

"Why?" I ask, looking down at her.

"Because I could tell you like her," She hums sweetly.

"Do not," I defend.

"Books are cool," My daughter mocks. "Your hands are sweaty too," She says while wiping her hand against her shirt. I chuckle.

"I don't know her enough to like her," I say.

"If you asked for her number you could've liked her," Elena points out. "Mommy and Derek are married and have a baby now. I want you to be with someone. You shouldn't die alone,"

"I won't be dying alone, Elena," I assure my daughter. "I have you," I say with a smile. Her head shakes at my words as we walk into my publishing office.


If you want a continuation of this lemme know

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