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Harry POV

It's two o'clock in the afternoon now and Eve isn't home yet.

I got my medicine and took it today. I'll see how that goes.

Max and I are in the floor playing currently. At least he still loves me. He's gotten so big it's freaky. Of course I knew German Shepard's are big dogs, but I find it weird to see him so small then grow so big.

Max starts barking by the front door slamming shut. We both hear it by how heavy it is. I stand up and walk over to the foyer and see Eve with Avery in her arms. Their bags are against the wall and my daughter has a smile on her lips.

I know it's not even been a day since they left to go to Eve's Dad's house but I missed my daughter so much.

Eve doesn't look at me or say anything. "Can I hold her?" I ask my girlfriend. She nods and places our daughter in my arms. I kiss her cheek and smile gently.

Eve walks away and heads upstairs. I look to Ava who's playing with my hair and has her head rested on my shoulder. I missed her a lot.

"I love you," I say to my daughter. "I missed you a lot," A wide smile goes on her lips causing me to grin. Her dimples appear making me poke one. Her head nuzzles into me more and I hold her tightly against me.


I put Avery down in her play pen in her room around four. I haven't spoken to Eve since she got home, and I don't know if or when I should.

I enter our bedroom and see she's putting away her clothes from her visit from her Dad's as well as clothes that Rose washed yesterday. "Can we talk?" I ask her.

"No," Eve says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because I don't want you to say you're sorry and how you were a dick and then I forgive you like always," Her hazel eyes look at me. "I'm tired of this stupid circle,"

"I know, I-I'm sorry--I just heard there was an emergency at the restaurant and freaked out a-and you were mad at me and I just didn't know what else to do besides yell, when I shouldn't have. I know my work has been a lot lately and I'm sorry, I'm trying. I'll try to be home more though now, a-and not be so focused on my jobs," I say worriedly.

"K," Eve says while closing her white finished drawer.


"I just want to be alone," She cuts me off. My eyes sting but I manage to nod.

I exit our bedroom and feel a tightness fill my chest.

I get to the kitchen and check my phone. It's from my construction worker saying that when they got to the restaurant last night it was broken into and wrecked.

My eyes close and my hand tugs through my hair. More stress and anxiety fill my lungs and I can't really focus on anything besides that. Now I have to see the damage done and if it's worth redoing. I have to see what was stolen, what has to be replaced, all of that. It's not good to have the restaurant closed for more than a few weeks. The more it's closed the more people will forget about it.

"Shit," I say under my breath. My breaths are still shaky and my mind is racing.


I go downstairs once I became hungry. It's silent down here, which is odd I thought Harry was in the den.

I walk into the kitchen and head Max barking. "Stop barking," I say to my dog through a shrug. He starts to whine and I walk over to Max.

My eyes land on Harry who's on the kitchen floor, passed out. My hand goes over my mouth and my eyes water. "No, no, no, no," I repeat.

I rush upstairs and grab my phone that's on my bed. My shaky hands fiddle with it but I manage to dial 9-1-1.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" I hear a lady say on the phone. She answered on the third ring.

I'm sitting on the kitchen floor now with Harry beside me. My breaths are sharp and my eyes are stinging.

"Hi, m-my uh b-boyfriend is um uh, pa-passed out on the f-floor," My voice is breaking.

"Okay, is he still breathing?" I bite my lip and check for a pulse.

"It's a um, faint p-pulse," I tell the woman over the phone.

"What's your address?" The lady asks me.

I give them our address and she said they will be here as soon as possible.

My shaky hands put my phone beside me and I lift up Harry's head and place it on my lap for elevation.

I close my eyes and feel tears rolling down my cheeks then a sob leave my mouth.



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