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I got to Kris's apartment at two in the afternoon.

I didn't know where else to go to besides her apartment which is still in the city. What I find funny is within an hour of be being there I got my period.

I left my phone at the house so I don't know how to keep myself distracted. Usually when I'm upset or angry I go on Facebook and watch videos of dogs doing weird things. Or Max cuddles with me, and that always helps.

"How are you doing?" My friend Kris asks while sitting beside me on her couch.

"Okay," I mumble. "You?"

"Okay," She says. "Harry keeps texting me asking if you're with me," Hearing his name makes my stomach twist.

"Did you answer?" I ask.

"No," Kris says. "But, shouldn't he know you're safe?"

"I don't know," I say. I lean my head back on her couch and let out a deep breath.

"Okay, well I lied. I told him you're here because he kept on spamming my phone and calling me," She admits to me. My eyes glance to my friend who is giving me a guilty look. "I mean, do you really think you guys are broken up?"

"I said we were," I say in a low mumble. My fingers fidget on my lap.

"Did you mean it?" She asks me with a semi tilted head. Her soft blue eyes look at me.

"I don't know," I repeat through a shrug. I run my hand through my hair tiredly and bite my lip.

"Maybe you guys should sit down and talk, rather than yell," Kris suggests.

"Is it worth it?" I ask. "I mean, I'm technically his rebound if you think about it," My eyes begin to water at my own words.

"Eve, don't say that. I see the way he looks at you,"

"You do? Because I don't," I say through choked up words. "He says he loves me and I know he does. But I don't think he's in love with me, and there is a difference,"

"It's only been recently since you guys have been having problems. Don't doubt his love for you, everyone has their own way of showing it," Kris says in a kind, gentle voice.

"He said he wasn't happy with me, and that I've been annoying him," I bring up while wiping my damp eyes.

"Isn't he on some medicine?" She asks. "That could make him unhappy, but he thinks it's because of you," Kris comes up with.

"He isn't stupid, and he can tell the difference if it was the medicine," I mumble.

"Even the smartest people can be the dumb." She says with a gentle hum.

I just shake my head and sniffle "Why can't I just have a stress free relationship?" I ask.

"Every relationship has some form of stress,"

"But I want my real life version of a happily ever after," I say. "I want someone to look at me and feel something, you know? I want that person to look at me and feel happiness, not the feeling of annoyance,"

"I'm telling you, what's happening between you and Harry is a phase. Travis and I even had that arguing point, but we worked on it," Kris says. I just shrug my shoulders and sigh.

"I don't know if he loves me the way I love him," I say to my friend who is sitting beside me. "Like I love him so much that his control problems don't bug me. Most normal people would've left," I say.

"You shouldn't doubt his love for you because you guys are at a rough spot," She says to me. "Eve, you've been folding that blanket for a few minutes now, like you keep undoing it and redoing it," She points out.

I let out a shrug and throw the blanket on the floor. My eyes look to the messed up blanket and it makes my skin itch. I lean down and pick it up, fold it, and place it beside me. "I've seen you've gotten worse with your OCD,"

"I do not have OCD," I say defensively.

"Yes you do, stop lying to yourself," My friend says bluntly making me scoff. "I'm just saying the truth,"

"I have it under control," I say matter-of-factly.

"Uhuh," Kris says. I roll my eyes at her comment and cross my arms.


It's around five now and we're in the living room still watching TV. My mind is still on this morning and what happened.

I hear the door bell ring, which causes shivers to rush up my spine. "Do you mind getting that? I need to pee; it's probably Travis, he forgot his key," Kris says while standing.

"Yeah, sure," I say while standing up. We both go our own ways and I unlock the door and slowly pull it open. My eyes land on Harry, not Travis. Even looking at him makes me sad.

We both remain silent, but we both look at each other. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and close the front door behind my body.

Here we go.



most likely last chapter of the night

thank you guys so much for reading!

comment goal: 60?


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