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I'm sitting in the chair besides Harry's hospital bed, gripping onto his hand.

He's still passed out from when I found him. I don't know how long he was knocked out for prior to when I found him.

The Doctor told me that his blood pressure was through the roof, and that's what most likely caused him to be where he is now.

My fingers graze over my boyfriends knuckles and I let out a deep breath. Avery is with Liam
and Sophia. I didn't know who else to call that was close by and could get her quick.

Liam told me to keep him updated on Harry, and if I need anything to call or text him. He looked worried when I told him what happened.

My eyes are on my boyfriend who's still "asleep".

I wish I got to him sooner or even went downstairs before I got there.

I bring his hand to my cheek and close my eyes for a few moments. I'm still shaken up about finding him like that. I thought he died if I'm being honest. My eyes sting at the thought of Harry no longer being alive.

I press my lips against his knuckles and place his hand back down beside his body. His IV needle is in his left hand.

My hands run down my face and rest on my cheeks. I look to Harry and watch him. My foot is tapping against the tile floor against under me nervously and recklessly.

I've been in the hospital with him for an hour now. I have no patience, so this is killing me.

I hear a faint groan come from Harry's mouth making my eyes dart back to him. I stand up from my chair and hover him. His green eyes open and they look groggy. My hand holds his tightly and my teeth graze over my bottom lip.

"Do you need water?" I ask. I don't know what else to ask him.

"No," He says. I squeeze his hand a little more. "My head is just throbbing,"

"I'll get the doctor then," I say. I take my hand off of his and try to collect myself before I leave the room.

I push back the tears I want to let out and head to the nurses station across from our door and inform them Harry is awake and all. A nurse, Pat, told me that the doctor will be in after he's done with another patient. I nod and walk back to Harry's room.

"Uh, he'll be right in," I tell Harry who nods.

"Thanks," He murmurs. His voice sounds deep and slurred a bit. "Where's Ava?"

"With Liam and Sophia," I say. My voice is soft and I think sweet sounding.

Harry nods and looks over at me. "You didn't have to stay here,"

"Why wouldn't have I stayed?" I ask him.

His eyes look into mine, and they hint to what has happened the past few days. I shake my head. "Right now isn't the time to talk about that, okay? Now, we're worrying about you and your health," I say.

"I don't deserve to have you here with me though," My boyfriend says.

"It would be douchey of me not to be here just because we had an argument," I say to him.

"Okay," Harry gives up. I run my tongue over my bottom lip and sit back down in the chair I was once in.

My hand is still holding Harry's. "Do you remember anything before you passed out?" I ask.

"No," He mumbles. "I got a text from my construction worker then I woke up here,"

"Oh," I say with a small nod. My thumb glosses over his knuckles. His hand squeezes mine making my eyes look back up to me. He looks at me and our eyes meet. "You scared me," I tell him.

Happily Ever After (sequel to CEO)Where stories live. Discover now