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I wake up to someone poking my face. I already know it's Ava because she does that a lot.

My groggy eyes peel open I see Avery. Her eyes look into mine and a gentle smile goes on her pink lips. "Daddy says you're a bit sad," She says. My daughter lays down beside me and cuddles her head into my chest making my heart warm. "I don't like you being sad Mommy," 

"I'm better today," I say to her. Ava's arms go around my body and her eyes look up at me.

"I love you," She says to me.

"I love you more," I kiss the top of my daughters head and close my eyes against her small body. 

"No, I love you more," Avery argues causing me to snicker.

"I doubt that," I say. Her head shakes against me. I smile at her actions and play with her curls. Ava's head nuzzles against me more and her arms hold me tighter. 

"Do you need ice cream?" She asks me.

"I'm good, thank you though," I say.

"Anytime," I smile widely at her words and continue playing with her brown curls. 

We spend a few minutes in bed cuddling. Avery wanted to go play with the dogs in the backyard, so that's what she's doing now. 

Harry is in the kitchen making coffee. It's silent between us, which makes it awkward. "I'm sorry for snapping last night," I say to my husband who's looking down at his mug. His eyes glance over to me and he licks his lips. "I was just worked up,"

"I understand," He answers. His eyes look back down to his mug. 

"Are you mad at me?"I ask while moving closer to him.

"No, but are you mad at me? You sounded like you were," He asks me with a raised eyebrow. I shrug my shoulders and run my hand through my hair. 

"I told you I was taking my anger out on you because-" Harry cuts me off.

"I know, because you don't want to be mad at Jane who is dead. But I don't know why it's me you want to take your anger out on for what she did," 

"Because you were married to her," I say simply. 

"But-" He stops speaking and shakes his head. "All I wanted to do was comfort you, and you yelled at me practically like I did something wrong," 

"I mean, defending Jane didn't help," I admit. Harry shrugs.

"I wasn't defending her," My husband repeats. "I'll admit what she did was shitty and cruel. I was just trying to help in my own weird way," 

"Okay," I say.

"Okay? That's it?" He sounds uppity now.

"Yes, okay. What else do you want me to say?" I ask.

"That you forgive me for doing nothing wrong," His eyes look into mine and his voice raises a bit. I bite my lip and remain silent for a moment or two. "You think I did something wrong?" 

"You just sounded like you were trying to come up with excuses last night when I mentioned what she did," I say honestly. "Like you wanted to keep the perfect image of her in your mind so you were saying things to keep it like that," I add. 

"I don't think Jane is perfect," Harry says. "Far from. We've had our arguments and from someone who's known her, I know she says shit when she's overwhelmed or anxious. I don't think anyone is perfect, and just because I was once married to her, doesn't mean anything. That's like me saying even though my Dad left me when I was three, he's an amazing guy because he's my Father," Harry compares. 

"I was just saying how I interpreted it," I say.

"And you couldn't take my word on how I wanted it come off as?" Harry asks. I open my mouth then close it. "I'm really tired of you always thinking that Jane is some goddess to me who's never done wrong. Or you thinking I wouldn't take your side after knowing what she said to Charlie," 

"I was just assuming how you were thinking," I say defensively. 

"So you assume I'd take Jane's side over yours anytime, no matter what?" He asks me with furrowed eyebrows. I remain silent causing his head to shake.

"You can't blame me for thinking that," I say while looking at him.

"We've been together for what? Five years now? And you still think low of me," His words cause my heart to sting. "Good to know," He starts to walk away but I grab his hand.

"I don't think low of you," I pull his hand back to stop his movements. Harry turns around and gives me a look. "I just sometimes feel like if she came back to life you'd pick her over me, and that's not something I can control because I know how much she meant to you," I explain. 

"You want my answer to who I would pick?" Harry asks. "You, there's my answer. I hope that makes you think decently of me now," He takes his hand out of mine and walks away. 

I let out a deep breath and close my eyes. 



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