Sounds like you need to talk to her

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Ashton sighed as he kicked at the rocks on his way up the front porch. It had been a long day and he was tired. He had been writing with Max George from The Wanted and was ready to give his brain a rest. He opened the door of the large stone house. Luke had picked it out when the band formed.

It was a bit too big for four guys but Luke insisted that they have a house with at least eight bedrooms he had been willing to settle on this one that had seven. Luke was usually the rational one but Ashton felt as though he had overstepped the line of rational and just went crazy. The house was in a nice town and they had good neighbors that never bothered them. Luke insisted that they needed to be in a gated community. Ashton chuckled at the memory of seeing the house for the first time.

"You guys are gonna love it." Luke bounced in his seat as Ashton followed the directions Luke gave him.

"You've said that like six times since we got in the car." Michael shook his head with a smile.

"Hey Luke, do you think we're gonna like it?" Calum asked from beside Michael. The two busted into laughter as Luke rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure it's great, but where is this dang place?" Ashton asked. They had been driving for at least thirty minutes.

"It's just over that hill." Luke said even more excited.

"Right there." Luke pointed to a gated community with a sign that read; Derulo Plantations.

"A gated community Luke?" Michael asked in disbelief.

"You can thank me later Michael." Luke grinned.

They made their way up the stairs of the house, which were made of stone along with the house itself.

"How expensive was this place?" Michael asked eying Luke.

"Not as bad as you think, and I got a deal cause my dad knows the guy who owns the neighborhood.

"Well there goes, our paychecks for the next five years." Ashton groaned.

"No, no, I told you I got it handled. It's paid for we just have to move in." Luke grinned.

"Luke.." Ashton said in a tone that said he didn't like what that meant.

"My dad kinda helped and we got a deal that the label covered." Luke shrugged.

"You're how old and you're still using your dad?" Calum joked.

"Hey, I'm his favorite son. Besides look at this place."

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