Blissful hell

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Clarissa tossed a glance at Luke as he walked to the kitchen

"Want some tea or something?" Luke asked.

"Sure." Clarissa answered. He was so nice, it didn't make sense to her. He had been such an ass the first time she met him.

"Jade, you can't be serious about this guy. You don't even know him. You just gave him your number? What's his name? Where does he work? How old is he? What's the longest he's ever been in a relationship?" Luke asked throwing his hands in the air.

"Yes, because everyone asks those questions when they ask for your number." Jade rolled her eyes.

"He just wants to go over a few lesson plans. It's not like it's an actual date." Jade huffed.

"Not an actual date? I promise you he is interested in more than some lesson plans." Luke yelled.

"Why must every guy I talk to be such a threat?"

"You're just too oblivious, Alexandria!" Luke was pissed.

"I'm not oblivious, Luke!" Jade yelled back.

"Oh really? Remember what happened last time?" Luke crossed his arms.

"Can we not bring that up?" Jade snapped.

"Oh, I'm sorry sensitive subject?" Luke asked sarcastically.

"Enough, Luke." Jade growled.

"Maybe you need a good smack in the face to remind you?" Luke taunted.

Jade's froze as did Luke.

"Jade, I'm sorry I-"

"Don't." Jade said between clenched teeth.

"I didn't mean-"

"Just stop, Luke." Jade grabbed her jacket and walked out of the studio leaving Luke and Clarissa behind.

Clarissa hopped up from the chair she had been sitting on and hurried to follow Jade. She gave Luke a nasty glare before leaving.

"Here you go." Luke handed a glass of tea to Clarissa.

"Michael made it fresh this morning." Luke smiled as Clarissa took the glass.

"Thanks." Clarissa took a sip of the tea. She turned back to the movie not noticing Luke sitting closer to her than he had been before.

"He was always cheating off my homework in school. I used to joke with him that he was only my friend because of my grades." Jade laughed.

"I'll definitely have to give him shit for that." Ashton chuckled. Jade smiled as she rubbed gentle circled at the base of his neck.

"You guys seem pretty close, how long have you known each other?" Jade asked.

"Well we all knew each other back in Australia in middle school before Luke took off to America. We hadn't seen each other in years. We always talked bout wanting to start a band the four of us, but when Luke moved we kinda forgot the plans. But when Michael, Calum and I started working at the music theory school in Sydney we decided to start our own record label. We knew a few high up names. When we talked to Luke he mentioned it to his dad. His dad pulled a few strings and set up a few meetings with some higher ups that he knew. The agreement was we had to move here. Michael, Calum and I thought about it and agreed that was the best thing to do. So now here we are." Ashton explained.

"That's so great, that you guys stayed in contact. He told me about a few friends he had back in Oz, but it upset him to talk about home too much. I'm really glad he has you guys now. I know he loves having you here." Jade smiled.

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