Please stay

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And another I know two in one night! crazy huh? haha anyway enjoy!

The door shut and Ashton knew what was coming. He sat in the bench in the front yard under the large tree by the road. He saw two figures walking towards him even though it was dark he could tell it was Michael and Calum. He hadn't been expecting Calum but he knew Michael would be coming after him soon enough. As Michael got closer he could see the anger on his face. Michael was rarely pissed but right now he was and Ashton had a good idea as to why.

"What the fuck was that?!" Michael blew up as soon as he was close enough.

"I don't want to talk about it." Ashton groaned.

"I don't give a fuck! That was not okay! Do you have any idea what kind of damage you did?!" Michael didn't care if Ashton wanted to talk or not Ashton was gonna hear what Michael had to say.

"I doubt it." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Jade is a sobbing mess because of you!" Michael shouted.

"I don't care." Ashton said uninterested.

"She's planning on going back to New York now because of what you did!" Michael lied. He needed Ashton to remember his feelings for Jade.

"What?" Ashton asked in disbelief. Calum frowned slightly but saw the glance from Michael that said to keep his mouth shut.

"Luke is in there begging her to stay while she packs her shit up! Are you happy!? Is that what you wanted!?" Michael yelled.

"If she leaves I'll probably never see her again." Ashton said more to himself.

"I can't never see her again, but it would be so much easier." Ashton said again more to himself.

"Ashton, this game that you're playing can't go on! You need to fix this! I can't sit here and let you break her heart like that! Telling her you didn't want her to live with us! Do you have any idea how much that hurt her?!" Michael asked.

"Michael, you have to convince her to stay. Luke will be devastated. He can't lose her especially over me!" Ashton jumped to his feet suddenly very concerned.

"That's not fair to Luke!"

Michael suddenly grabbed Ashton forcing him to sit back down.

"Listen to me Ashton, this is going too far. You need to tell Luke about your feelings for her or learn to deal with them because you can't keep doing this." Michael said in a more calm tone.

"No, Michael you need to tell her she has to stay. Tell her I want her to. Please!" Ashton begged frantically.

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