Tex Mex

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Okay so this is a super short chapter but I needed it in there. The next will hopefully be long again. Anyway enjoy!!!



Jade watched as Ashton sifted through the cabinets in the kitchen. He was going to make dinner for everyone. Calum was planning on helping but he was currently MIA. She watched Ashton dance to panic at the disco which was currently playing through the house. He sang along as he pulled out the stuff he needed for dinner. Jade couldn't help but smile. Ashton hadn't said much to her since they took the boat out. They got home about two and everyone kind of wen their own ways. Jade helped Claire unpack her room. Calum and Michael went out in search of some game for the x box. Niall went home. and Luke and Ashton decided to toss in a movie. Now Michael was playing the game he and Calum got with Luke. Calum was missing, Ashton was attempting to cook while Jade and Clarissa watched the boys play their game. Well Claire was watching. Jade was watching Ashton. She couldn't help but admire him. She was worried she was starting to like him. She kept catching herself watching him and wanting to be around him. She took a deep breath and stood up. She made her way to the kitchen.


"Can I help with anything?" Jade asked causing Ashton to jump.


"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Jade giggled.


"It's alright, umm Calum is supposed to help me wherever he is." Ashton frowned looking around for the dark haired boy.


"I'm here sorry." Calum said walking up behind Jade.


"So what are we making?" Calum asked.


"Tex mex." Ashton grinned happily.


"Imagine that Mexican food of some sort. This boy and Mexican food." Calum laughed.


"Don't hate on Mexican food. It's amazing!" Ashton spoke in defense of his meal choice.


"Nobody's hating on anything. Now what do you need me to do?" Calum rubbed his hands together with a dumb grin on his face.


"Okay first wash your hands. Then you can grate the cheese." Ashton answered.


"Ooh I love this song." Calum smiled as a new song rang through the house.


"If you love me let me goooooooo" Calum belted the song in the most ridiculous voice he could muster.


"Truth be told I never was yours. The fear the fear of falling apart! Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.." Ashton chimed in the both of them chorused into the large cutting knife Ashton was holding as a microphone.


Ashton then burst into laughter. His dimples digging deep into the side of his cheeks. Jade watched from the bar as the two of them continued to joke around. She bounced to the beat a bit as she watched Ashton cut the green peppers.


"Oh, I love this song." Jade grinned as new perspective started playing.


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