I can't work with her

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"Hold on, this isn't working." Beth interrupted Ashton once again.

"What isn't working?" Ashton asked. He had woken up in a good mood for some reason and wasn't planning on letting Beth ruin it, but his patience was running low. His weekend had been relaxing. He didn't do much and he didn't see Jade again, nor was she mentioned thankfully. She hadn't even text him.

"It's too choppy." Beth huffed.

"Choppy? What the hell does that even mean?" Ashton asked.

"It's choppy." Beth repeated just as vague as before.

"That doesn't mean anything to me." Ashton growled.

"It's choppy Ashton, what more do you want me to say?" Beth snapped.

"What the hell is choppy?!" Ashton yelled.

"It's just...choppy...like it's rocky...it's not smooth." Beth answered in irritation.

"Are we talking about fucking water here? What the hell does that even mean? How are drums choppy?"

"It's just a jumbled mess." Beth snapped.

"How?" Ashton asked trying not to snap completely.

"You're playing like you're drunk." Beth replied in a condescending tone.

"Like I'm drunk? What the hell? I play like this all the time." Ashton growled he was pissed now.

"Well that could be why we always have trouble recording your parts." Beth shrugged.

"Or it could be the fact that we have a fucking incompetent producer." Ashton stood up and stormed out of the room. He knew if he stayed he'd completely lose it and Luke would be pissed.

Ashton walked into the percussion's room after slamming the studio door.

"This is fucking ridiculous. I can't work with her!" Ashton shouted as Michael looked up from his guitar.

"What happened now?" Michael asked calmly.

"She said I play like I'm drunk. She called it choppy. How in the hell are drums choppy? We aren't talking about the Atlantic ocean!" Ashton paced angrily.

"Ashton, what did you do now?" Luke asked with Calum on his tale.

"Don't you even pin this on me. You know how damn difficult she is!" Ashton whirled around to face the other two members.

"Ashton, come on. We don't have nearly as many problems out of her as you do." Luke sighed.

"She like you guys better." Ashton objected.

"She might like you better if you were more patient with her." Calum shrugged.

"I might be more patient with her if she wasn't so incompetent." Ashton growled.

"Jade could produce circles around her and she is just starting." Ashton huffed.

"Look, why don't we do this. We'll give Beth the week off, and we'll work on the new song with Jade. It gives everybody a break." Luke suggested.

"Fine by me." Ashton snapped.

"I'll go talk to Beth, why don't you give Jade a call."

"Me, why me?" Ashton asked suddenly nervous.

"Cause she thinks you don't want her to work on the song. If you called her she'll believe me." Luke explained.

Once Luke disappeared down the hall Ashton groaned.

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