She's going to hate me like that one day isn't she?

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 New update. It's about to get intense. I hope you enjoy it! Love ya!!!

Michael tossed in bed before checking the time. It was only seven thirty. He was usually the last one awake but he hadn't slept well that night. He was so worried about Jade and Ashton he couldn't rest. He had gotten up a few times in the night to check on them. Each time they were in the same spot he'd left them. He threw the covers back and didn't even bother putting any extra clothing on. Boxers were enough. He peered out to see no one else was awake yet. He knew everyone would be stirring sooner or later. He walked silently into the living room to see Ashton still passed out on the couch and Jade's lap. Jade was still propped uncomfortably on the arm rest as she slept in the seated position. How she managed to sleep like that all night Michael had no idea. He quickly grabbed his phone taking a picture before going to wake Jade. He knew she'd want to be up soon. She liked to be up by seven or seven thirty. She always got to the studio before everyone else to prepare for the day. Something Beth never bothered to do.

"Hey, Jade. Hey, come on wake up." Michael whispered trying not to wake Ashton.

"Hmm?" Jade asked groggily.

"It's seven thirty. I thought you might want to get up." Michael said his voice still a whisper.

Jade looked around and then down at her lap. The events of the night before came back quickly.

"Oh, yeah I should, umm get up and ready." Jade nodded her voice hushed as well. She carefully lifted an unfazed Ashton off her lap and slipped out from under him. He shifted slightly but didn't wake. Jade chuckled before she hurried off to the bathroom.

Michael decided to let Ashton sleep off as much of his well deserved headache as he could. He and Michael were due in the studio today. He had a feeling Ashton was going to be useless.

"Okay, when Ashcon wakes utt ake sure he skees diss pease." Jade said returning back in the room with a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth and a bra on with nothing but a black skirt.

"Ummm, okay sure." Michael nodded as Jade set down a sheet of paper and pill and then retrieved a bottle of beer from the fridge, a pack of crackers and Gatorade from the pantry. She placed them with the pill and the note before rushing off to her room again.

Michael chuckled and went to read the letter.

"Morning." Luke announced appearing in the kitchen.

"Hey, Luke." Michael greeted as he set down the letter.

"What's that?" Luke asked.

"Jade wrote it up for Ashton." Michael nodded towards the still sleeping boy on the couch.

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