Tell me again why you didn't become a psychologist

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Here you go the next part. I'm updating a lot because I have a lot of ideas flowing. Haha so enjoy!!!



The kitchen was busy with everyone bustling about making tea and coffee and breakfast of different kinds. Everyone had the day off so it was a late morning for everyone, everyone except Ashton.

"Morning Ash." Michael smiled at his friend as he entered the house. Ashton didn't hear Michael due to the headphones still in his ears he removed them when noticed everyone in the kitchen.

"Morning everyone." Ashton smiled as he took the glass of water Luke was holding out for him.

"Thanks man." Ashton chugged the water. He was super thirsty from his run and grateful for the ice Luke had added. It was fairly warm out.

"Have a nice run?" Calum asked.

"Course. It's almost too warm to run this late in the morning." Ashton answered finishing off the water.

"What time did you go?" Michael asked this time.

"I left here about seven. I'll have to start leaving at six thirty if I want to beat the heat." Ashton set the glass in the sink.

Jade waited to see if Ashton would say anything but he never did.

"I'm gonna grab a shower." Ashton dashed off towards the bathroom.

"Hurry up, we have plans after." Michael called out behind him. They heard the bedroom door close before Ashton shouted.

"Damn it Luke! The rug is literally dripping!" Suddenly Ashton was stood in the hallway in nothing but his running shorts which hung low on his hips. You could see the sweat dripping down his chest and stomach. Jade couldn't help but let her eyes wander over him. He was so attractive.

"Seriously, Luke. You're going to ruin this damn thing. Look at it. It's a sopping mess." Ashton huffed as he took the rug out the back door. Jade watched as he walked by. She suddenly felt an elbow in her side. It was Clarissa. She smiled raising a brow. Jade dropped her eyes back to her glass of tea and willed herself to ignore as the gorgeous man walked back by her.

"Why do we even keep a rug in there. It doesn't do anything. We should just put a damn baby pool in there." Ashton grumbled jokingly as he made his way back to the bathroom. Luke laughed but continued to make his eggs.

Jade felt her phone buzz in her pocket just then. She pulled it out to see a text from Claire.

Eyeing him a littler hard weren't you?

Jade rolled her eyes at the winky face attached to the end before responding.

What he has a nice body. Can't a girl look?

Jade stuck her tongue out at Clarissa. Clarissa just laughed.

"So when are you going to get your stuff from Nathan's?" Luke asked Clarissa.

"Umm, not sure. I haven't told Nathan yet. He won't be pleased. And he'll probably think I'm secretly moving in with Niall so expect a call." Clarissa sighed.

"I can come with." Luke offered glancing over his shoulder at the redhead.

"You don't mind?" Clarissa asked.

"Not at all." Luke smiled down at his eggs.

"Oh thank you, that'll help. When do you want to go?" Clarissa asked somewhat excitedly.

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