I think you already have

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"Come on Jay please? I'm going and I'd like it if you'd go." Jade begged.

"Andrea, you know how I feel about half of them and the other half don't like me so I'd rather not." Jay sighed.

"But you're gonna be mad if I go." Jade groaned.

"I'm not. I don't particularly like you being around Liam, but I understand you're friends." Jay shrugged.

"I don't understand why Liam is such an issue with you." Jade replied in frustration.

Jay glanced over at Jade.

"He doesn't like me." Jay answered simply.

"Neither does Harry, but he's not an issue." Jade pointed out.

"Andrea, I see the way you look at Liam." Jay responded after a bit of hesitation.

"What do you mean?" Jade asked looking over at her boyfriend.

"You can tell me and anybody else you're over him but I see it in your eyes. I know I'll never be Liam and I dunno, maybe I'm afraid one day you'll realize that and leave me." Jay shrugged. He was staring down at his hands. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to meet Jade's bright blue eyes.

"I am over him. That was a long time ago. And I don't need you to be Liam, you're Jay and that's all I could ever want." Jade pressed her lips to Jay's gently.

"Are you coming tonight or not?" Jade asked once she pulled away.

"Nah, you go. Have fun, take Clarissa with you." Jay suggested.

"I'm planning on it. She's not the biggest fan of Luke." Jade sighed. Why couldn't all her friends just get along with each other. It was so stressful having to split her time with everybody.

"Why doesn't she like him?" Jay asked.

"The first time she met him we got into a pretty heated argument where he said some things that really upset me. Ever since then she's been really rude to him." Jade shrugged.

"What did he say to you that pissed her off so bad?" Jay asked.

"Umm, well I was telling him about a guy and he mouthed off about him and he kind of brought up past relationships and threw a few mistakes in my face." Jade shrugged again.

"Why do you let him control you like that?" Jay asked frowning.

"I don't. He's just worried for me."

"Bullshit. He totally controls you." Jay rolled his eyes.

"No he doesn't. He used to be very opinionated about who I was with but he learned quickly to keep his mouth shut. Now he doesn't have a whole lot to say about anything. You think he would have let me date you?" Jade pointed out before walking towards Clarissa's bedroom.

"I'm gonna talk to Clarissa." Jade said before Jay could say anything about the previous topic.

Ashton took another swig from his beer. He had decided to get a head start on drinking since Michael had lectured him yet again on backing off of Jade. He sighed as he remembered Michael's spiel.

"Hey Ash, you got a minute?" Michael asked stepping into Ashton's room.

Ashton looked up from his computer.


"Look, I just wanted to warn you again to be careful. I see you getting more and more comfortable with Jade and that's dangerous territory. Remember what Andrew said."

Ashton sighed.

"Michael, I'm fine. I'm only getting more comfortable with her because I have no choice. I don't plan on falling for her." Ashton waved his hand dismissively.

"You say that but I think you already have." Michael crossed his arms over his chest.

"No I haven't." Ashton argued.

Michael stayed quiet for a moment.

"What's the first thing that you noticed about her?" Michael asked seeming genuinely curious.

"Her eyes." Ashton shrugged.

"What about her personality?" Michael took a seat on the edge of Ashton's bed.

"Well, she's got a great sense of humor. She's hard working and seems like a great friend." Ashton shrugged again.

"Do you ever wonder how she ended up with Jay? I mean she's gorgeous and from the way everyone talks about her she could have anyone she wanted. Minus Liam apparently." Michael watched Ashton's reaction.

"I don't get it. How does he get someone like her? Liam I could understand and even Luke I could understand but not Jay. He's so goofy and sloppy." Ashton added.

"I know, she'd be better suited with someone else right?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, and it can't be because he's a singer. She knows plenty of singers. I mean Jay doesn't even play an instrument. You'd think she'd go for someone a little more skilled in the music industry." Ashton huffed.

"I know, it's not fair. Jay gets girls like her while we get nobody." Michael fought the smirk playing on his lips. He was getting Ashton wound up.

"I hate it. And even if she wasn't dating him, there's no chance with her because of Luke. Some times it's so damn frustrating having feelings for someone you can't have. I can't just like anybody can I? I have to like the taken girl who is not only my best friends sister practically, but also his ex! Why does she have to be so damn out of my limit?!" Ashton was practically shouting by this point.

Michael stayed silent with a large grin on his face.

Ashton's eyes went wide when he realized what he had just said.

"Michael, you asshole!" Ashton threw the nearest pillow at his band mate.

"Like I said, I think you already have." Michael raised a brow at Ashton.

"You're a cock." Ashton glared at his friend.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Michael shrugged before leaving Ashton's room.

Ashton knew tonight would be hard but with Michael's voice telling he had already fallen for Jade, he was dreading it even more. He wouldn't admit his feelings for her but he knew Michael was right and that pissed Ashton off more than he wanted it to.

A/N Hey guys! Another shorter chapter sorry. Hopefully the next one will be longer! Love you guys!

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