I trust you

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Here is the next part!!! Enjoy you guys! Love ya!!!

"Jade?" Ashton called looking around the empty beach front. He spotted her a few yards down sitting in the sand her head resting on her knees which were pulled up to her chest.

"Hey." Ashton said in a soft tone as he neared her. Jade looked up her eyes glistening from recent tears.

"Hi." Jade gave a weak smile.

"Are you alright?" Ashton asked sitting next to the brunette.

"Hardly." Jade sighed.

"Who was that Shawn guy anyway?" Ashton asked.

"An ex." Jade answered vaguely.

"I know that, but what happened?" Ashton pryed.

Jade sighed. She looked over at Ashton his eyes showed the concern that his voice carried.

"He umm...well it's kind of a long story but in short we were dating for not quite a year. He had anger issues. I believed I could help him through them. Well Luke and Liam didn't approve. Liam was kind of an ass towards him." Jade paused.

"He seems to be that way towards any guy that takes interest in you." Ashton observed.

"He's just really protective. Anyway, one night Shawn had a little too much to drink and he got mad cause I had been out with Liam. He lashed out and....he hit me." Jade bit her lip at the memory.

Ashton frowned. That's why Liam had made the comment about Shawn hitting her. It had been literal.

"I went to Luke and Liam's they flipped out. Liam got pissed at me and Luke went after Shawn. Luckily Shawn wasn't home when Luke got there. But it was rough the next day. Shawn showed up at Luke's. Liam wasn't there but Luke was. Luke and him got into a massive fight. The neighbors called the cops and had Shawn removed. I hadn't seen him since. I left for New York a few weeks later. Luke wasn't happy about that. He worried about me constantly. He snapped at me one night when he came to visit. It was the first time Claire had met him. He brought up Shawn sort of like Liam did back there. We got into a fight and we didn't talk for a while. He finally calmed down and we talked about it. But that is why Luke can't find out he's back in town. He'll get super protective and won't let me out of his sight again. And when Jay finds out...." Jade sighed.

"Look, I won't let him bother you again. I promise." Ashton pulled her close to him. She turned and buried her head in Ashton's chest.

"Do you really know the owner of New Haven?" Jade asked suddenly.

Ashton chuckled.

"No, I barely know the bartender." Ashton answered honestly. Jade laughed lightly still clinging to Ashton.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to step in. I was trying to judge him and see what would work without beating the piss out of him. I didn't feel like getting us all kicked out." Ashton sighed.

"It's fine. You didn't need to step in at all. But I do appreciate it. His reputation is the most important thing to him if he thinks for a second that is in jeopardy then he'll back off. You're pretty intimidating you know that?" Jade asked.

"I don't think so, but I'm glad it worked on him." Ashton chuckled.

"Thank you Ashton, you really are a great friend. Luke was right about you." Jade smiled into Ashton's chest.

Ashton frowned.

"Right about me how?" Ashton asked.

"He said you and I would get along really well. He was right."

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